[@Sophrus][@Klomster][@Wraithblade6][@Necroes][@BCTheEntity] I'll be getting a post up tomorrow that will move us all along, child of the Emperor's honour! That being said, I did tell you to do it yourself; things like having Lucius witnessed entering the fight, taking care of the mutants, beginning to hash things out in a dialogue, these are things you have no need of a GM to do. I realise that I'm controlling a character, but minor godmodding - such as having him roll behind something to avoid fire etc - it not considered a penalty if I tell you to get on with things. This, and I have been pretty 40k'ed out for a couple of weeks. Again, hold onto your firearms, because things are going to go from bad to worse. [@agentmanatee] No doubt that'll be fun! Send me a CS and we'll see about making it a reality.