"My experiences with it?" She replied quizzically. "Nothing special, I'm afraid, officer. Well, I did start using the app later than others did. My dad's a bit techno-phobic; he didn't even want me to have a phone until my mom twisted his arm, and even then it was just supposed to be for emergencies. I only got the app after Masato bugged me into trying it myself. Obviously, I got the predictions just like anyone else. It showed my front wheel tire getting punctured on a street just around the corner from here, and sure enough, it happened. It was neat for a while, then that Apocro-whatever nonsense started. I heard about it from my friends, so I haven't touched the thing since. I certainly never noticed anything weird happening recently, either. No shadowy kidnappers, no demons from hell, nothing." Those two last statements may have seemed out of left field for anyone unfamiliar with the situation, but anyone that would have surely heard at least one conspiritorial rumor about Strange Gospel and the disappearances. Even Mainichi was at least mentioning the crazy ideas people had come up with, like the ones Maiko just mentioned. "You, uh...you don't think it's actually related, do you? I mean, I just can't see it. Well, I mean, I can and I can't, you know? It's like, I know it's too big a coincidence to ignore, but I just don't get how this one app could make people disappear, even if it's the weirdest thing since ever. Are the police actually considering it?" At the back of Maiko's mind, she knew that Hikaru probably wasn't about to share anything about the police investigation, but she tended to just ramble out what was on her mind. Even if they were looking into it, she could imagine they still didn't know the first thing about what they were dealing with. [@VitaVitaAR]