[quote=@BBeast] Related to world-building, [@Cyclone], how accessible are the Winds of Change as a source of magic for mortals? What quirks or requirements are involved in magic powered by the Winds of Change? [/quote] Though the winds are sometimes more concentrated and thus the magic is a lot stronger and easier to use, but there's a little bit spread out all over Galbar. So it's both accessible and potent. The issue is that neither Ventus nor Aihtiraq are sharing any of its secrets, so mortals must figure it out on their own. Since I've been having a hard time thinking of a way to establish their details IC I'd be happy to make a collab with you in which Teknall starts experimenting with it in a lab. For the benefit of everyone else, some quirks: -It's literally Zephyrion's own magic and so using it too blatantly and too much will draw the ire of djinn -Incidentally, it is a very effective way to fight the djinn -It'd be useful for alchemy as a catalyst for almost everything and for acting as an agent to enable transmutations