[@DriveEMOut] Mary ran toward the scream and she saw the body. The side of her that wanted to kill others surged in delight, while the other side of her was more shocked. She frowned. Who had let the killer in?! She knelt down and looked at the corpse. She touched the still barely warm body. Hr mother and father saw her touching the corpse. "Mary, get away from the corpse!!!" Mary, for the first time, snapped at her parents, "I'm trying to see what happened!!!" Her mother feared her because of her schizophrenia. The look of horror and confusion on her mother's face told her what she already suspected. Her mother blamed her for this person's death. Mary stood. "Mom, I didn't kill the person....Have you ever known me to kill anyone?!" Her mother looked away, not wanting to see her daughter. Mary's fists clenched and she stormed away, going angrily right past Cassandra and Simon.