[center][h2] [color=39b54a]Clinical Precision and Messy Memories[/color][/h2] [h3] Drono Loyalty Mission Prologue[/h3] [/center] [color=cyan][I]Tanya, Hanger Bay…[/I][/color] The call over the intercom erupted suddenly, startling Tanya as she was cleaning one of her paint brushes off in the water pot. Already going off of entirely too little sleep thanks to a combination of alcohol and a series of reoccurring nightmare, the engineer counted her blessings that she wasn’t applying brush to canvas when Drono boomed over the intercom. Considering how seldom it was used for anything serious, since most people just crossed the short distance to speak with people directly, about as serious of a use as the intercom got was to announce meals for the most part. Catching Serena’s eye, who was busy behind Old Nancy running some diagnostics, the two women shared a look conveying that neither were entirely certain what the hell was going on. Drono wasn’t an angry guy, so this did not bode well. Scaling the ladder to head up to the bridge, Tanya wondered exactly what the hell was about to go down. Settling against a wall near Tonka and Dex, she listened to Drono go over his less-than-ideal circumstances and Tanya felt she was way under-caffeinated for this, so much so that she realized she was still holding onto the same paint brush as earlier and was idly twirling it like a drumstick between her fingers. There wasn’t really much she had to add; she’d never fought against Eclipse before, but she’d be able to chew into tech without much of an issue. The lack of intel concerning Drono’s proposition was a bit concerning, however. [color=cyan]”Look, Drono…”[/color] she began, trying to pick her words carefully. [color=cyan]”We all want to fix you, and you know we’re on board for getting you the help you need, but you’re in a lot of pain, do you actually have an idea of how we’re going to do this? It’s a huge risk going in half-cocked, and nobody’s going to be able to help you if we all get killed. Eclipse is one of the big kids on the block; we aren’t going to be able to match them in a straight-on firefight if it turns out there’s more than two of them. They’ve the manpower and finances that we could only dream about… I mean, look at this heap of ship that we call home. I can’t even hang up a picture without worrying about causing a hull breach. How do we know the thugs aren’t just plainclothes Eclipse so they don’t draw attention?”[/color] Tonka jetted a thumb towards Tanya. [color=39b54a]”I’m with her. As fun as it is watching us all bumble around like a bunch of inbred pyjaks who’ve been eating nothing but fermented fruits, I’d rather our colossal fuck-ups be something we walk away from. After Virmire, this team needs a win, or I don’t see us lasting out there because the galaxy will chew us apart and shit us out with a thought. We can’t afford to have Eclipse know who the hell we are. Couldn’t we just sneak you into the clinic and run a diversion if they start getting nosey?”[/color]