[center][hr][hr][IMG]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Lionel%20Wickett&name=AKENATEN.ttf&size=65&style_color=9C6F6F[/IMG] [hr][b]Location:[/b] Conference Room[hr][/center] Lionel idly wondered why he or any of the other surviving Vengeance crew members were here anyways. Anisa clearly didn't have anything to say to any of them. Then again, why were any of them here in this meeting anyways? This same information could have been just as easily distributed over the intercom and everyone probably would have been better off than this ill-thought out arrangement. Meeting with a room full of psychos aside, Lionel had bigger things to worry about. Right now aboard this ship, he effectively had nothing. This was an unacceptable state of things, especially now that he knew about the Alliance's little plan to use Reavers as soldiers. Fuck that. But to load up on resources would require some rather specific travel plans which would need to be approved by Captain Crowe and right now she was having a discussion with what seemed like the only sane member of the Alliance crew. So he'd stick around the conference room until they were done and see about talking to Crowe. Yep. Sit around and wait. With nothing to do. Fuck.