[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/IJL3j5v.jpg[/img][/center][center][color=0072bc][h1]Orren[/h1][/color][/center][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/B7LwCBU.png[/img][/center] Orren watched Adelina quietly and he saw the flour on her cheek and when she asked him about his drink preference he nodded smiling at her.[color=00aeef] "Cider sounds great."[/color] He stepped towards her and reached over to her cheek slowly and used his flat of his thumb to gently brush the flour from her cheek. [color=00aeef]"You had some flour on your cheek."[/color] Orren felt such a strong urge to kiss her, he stared into her eyes for a moment and several thoughts ran through his mind. He could picture her recoiling in horror and leaving forever if he tried to kiss her. Stepping backwards he felt some of his spines stick into the door frame. He closed his eyes in frustration with his current form. Embarrassed, he stepped one step forwards listening to the spines leaving holes in the door frame. He turned and went out to the garden for a few minutes. Was this all part of the cruel witch's plan? Torment him with the humanity he no longer had? Orren had believed money and power were the most important things growing up. His father had taught him that by example. Being stuck in his demon form allowed him to see the cruelty of fear and how much truly caring for someone meant. James was his best friend and he never left him. Orren owed him so much and Adelina... In the last few weeks she had managed to teach him a lesson or two. The longer he was around her the more he wanted to be around her. She hadn't screamed in terror or run off even when he had gotten angry. She had just accepted him and his hideous form as if he were totally normal. He was concerned about her family being here. What if they saw Orren and made her leave with them immediately? The thought tore at him. The pain that tore across his chest made him stop and think about that again. If she left him... he would become a demon for all eternity. More importantly, in his heart he would rather live with her as a demon, than not have her in his life at all. These thoughts left him in a somber mood. At the end of the year his humanity would be completely gone and he would become his own worst fear. Orren stayed outside til Adelina called him in for supper. Moving light on his feet for one so large he entered the house and went into the dining room and saw the stew and the pie and Adelina. He couldn't help but smile. He held her chair and pushed it in when she sat and took his own seat. [color=00aeef]"It looks wonderful Adelina."[/color] [@XxLyraxX]