[h1][center][color=39b54a]Daphne Pender[/color][/center][/h1] [hr][center]Location: Conference Room[/center][hr] Daphne had to suppress the urge to laugh when the Captain mixed her up with Dorothy, but she was used to it by now. She was glad that Anisa had some confidence in her piloting abilities. There were so many people in the room, that Daphne was more interested in them than the rest of the conversation. She knew her orders, and that was all that really mattered to her. Her sister was going to be busy again in the medical area while Daphne didn't have anything to do, since someone else was still going to be flying the ship. When she heard Anisa dismiss the crew, she was slow leaving the room. Daphne noticed the Alliance pilot hanging back, and wondered what business he had with the Captain. She thought about hanging back, but decided against, figuring that Anisa would kick her out of the room anyway. Daphne left the room, and started trying to figure out what to do now, and how that meeting was probably going to be the highlight of her day.