[center][img]http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg569/Lmpkio/Zeruel_zpshvugdsgd.png[/img] [b][h1]Zeruel[/h1][/b] [@Kol][/center] As Zeruel limps into the trees, the rage built up on the double humiliations he'd experienced were pumping in huge loads of adrenaline and new blood cells into his body. All Laguna Angels have natural regeneration, but alas it can depend on the Angel specimen and it isn't instantaneous or extremely quick to be used. Yet even so, its already slowly healing the Angel of Might as his body morphs to regenerate the lost pieces of flesh, skin, as well as the burn marks and scars. He looks quite hideous, but give him an hour or so, and he will be completely healed and back to his former self. However, having a healer by his side will still be a big benefit in pushing it faster. As the distant explosions of battle ran rampant out in the distance, Zeruel trugs slowly through the forest, but already some of the more minor wounds and burns have healed. A mere 10% of his health has already healed thanks to adrenaline alone, but it won't last long. Eventually he manages to approach a small random clearing in the forest. Yet in the middle of said clearing, the Angel encounters a strange girl of sorts. She wore black and red clothing, with golden stripes on the edges of her top uniform. She had white hair, red eyes, and bat-like wings. She looked very much like a demon and the aura being portrayed off her seemed nauseatingly reminiscent of one. But he only noticed that as he walks out of the foliage surrounding him, breaking several branches under his bulk. The girl turned towards him, looking at him as if he was an inferior opponent. [i]"What do we have here?"[/i] She said, sounding quite amused, as she walked closer to Zeruel. The Angel stands still, not moving at all other than the tendrils behind him flapping faintly in the wind. The girl than proceeds to mock him. [i]"Aren't you the Almighty Leader of the Laguna Hierarchy, 'Second only to Deva'?"[/i] Zeruel doesn't say a word, still looming over her despite his battered state. While he could pop her head with his tendrils, along with a booming statement, he still recognizes that while he must keep being daunting even in his weakened state, he must also access his own situation. He had no idea what she might even pull off. And with his weakened state, he must remain humble to a degree, even as the girl mocks him for a second round, licking his own blood and tasting it with utter disgust. Yet the kept up anger does have its benefit, as with the more anger he sustains, the more adrenaline kicks in and the regeneration kicks a little faster. When she was finished, he takes command of the stage. [b]"Address yourself, demon.[/b] he booms as his skin continues to regenerate slightly faster. [hr] [center][img]http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg569/Lmpkio/devil-survivor-2-yamato-hotsuin-artwork-1_zpsfgm6bx2g.png[/img] [h1][b][color=A5F2F3]Ghelgath Fenrir Calder-Berg[/color][/b][/h1] [@Awesomoman64], [@Lucius Cypher] [/center] Ghelgath thought as much as Barlog said that he was holding his ground to kill the incoming snipers. However, just after he said that, the voice of the Machina mech, Graf, booms from a distance. This prompted the demon cyborg to come rushing towards him at great speed, leaving the Ice King alone in his position. With a sigh, being unable to do anything to help Barlog at the moment, he keeps put in his location, getting down to cover to avoid sniper fire... Meanwhile, the Ice Sergeant and his forces were slowly closing in on the snipers. They were able to keep most of their cover in the thick trees and foliage, keeping out of major conflicts. Once they were in range, the Sergeant orders for his mages to cast several attack spells on the unsuspecting shooters. They woud either hit their targets and freeze them completely or if they hit the ground they would burst out several sharp pieces of frozen shrapnel at every direction. ANd after that first wave of attack, the Frigid Soldiers and the rest of the forces move in to obliterate them completely and carve a path for the demons to enter.