[color=orange]"Get the hell back up!"[/color] roared Rolo. It was during lunchtime when Rolo made his displeasure known. He never felt this way before. He never knew he could be so livid with his best friends, but things were different then. Everything had changed. And it was all because of her. Why did she have to waltz into his life like that? Why did she have to make things awkward between himself and his closest friends? Everything was so much simpler before. But no longer. It was plain to see that there was no going back from those punches. It was done. Things would never be the same again. For better or worse. Switch and Divo were sprawled on the ground in the middle of the football field. A large crowd had gathered around to watch the internal drama of the Salt Bay Turbos unfold before their very eyes. Such a thing was not a very common occurrence. Rolo loomed over them looking both grim and menacing. They picked themselves up from the ground and faced Rolo directly. They looked up into his face. A fierce stare met their gaze. [color=turquoise]"Look big guy. You can hit us all day if you want. But we won't fight back. We're friends. No! To hell with that! We're brothers!"[/color] yelled Divo. [color=violet]"But we won't apologise for nothin. We're outlaws. We do what we want, we say what we want. Ain't no little broad ever gonna get in the way of that!"[/color] yelled Swtich. [color=orange]"Shut the hell up! She's special to me!"[/color] Rolo roared. [color=turquoise]"You're letting this little chick change you! You're gonna end up putting her before us!"[/color] yelled Divo. [color=violet]"Yeah! Whatever happened to brothers for life!?"[/color] yelled Switch. [color=orange]"I uh, shut up!"[/color] Rolo yelled again. Rolo brought his fist up again to strike, but then he saw it. The steely determination in the eyes of his friends. He knew that they wouldn't dodge his punch, no matter how hard he would hit. They were his best friends in the world. Brothers for life. He suddenly felt ashamed of his actions. Rolo never regretted punching people before. But this time, it was different. [color=orange]"Fellas I, I..."[/color] Rolo started to say before he was cut off. [color=beige]"Alright boys break it up! I will not have any roughhousing in my school!"[/color] declared principal Stern. [color=lime]"But sir, they were just..."[/color] Chet was starting to say before he too was cut off. [color=beige]"I don't want to hear it!"[/color] yelled principal Stern. [color=beige]"You three! Principals office! Now!"[/color] demanded the principal. Rolo, Chet, and Divo wordlessly followed the principal to his office. Not caring in the slightest how much their reputation had been compromised. Chet shook his head to himself. What was happening to his crew? Who was this girl that Rolo was obsessed with? It was that girl from literature class, the one that came late. The one whom Switchs note was referring to. Chet decided to go check her out later on. To see what was up for himself. A little further away, Charles watched everything unfold. He grinned smugly to himself. His plan was going to be a heck of a lot easier than he thought it would be. Perhaps, Charles thought, he owed this mysterious girl his thanks. She was doing him a great service. When the time is right, he decided.