[center] [hr][hr] [i]Love and pep talks; A collaboration of MiddleEarthRoze, [@MacabreFox], and [@Dervish][/i][/center] [hr][hr] [center][i]Aboard the Kyne's Tear[/i][/center] Sitting by herself below deck, Roze peered at the blue waves outside of a porthole, deciding that the voyage so far hadn't been as pleasant as she had imagined. What with the other ship sinking, and the prisoner's rescued from the frigate, the Kyne's Tear was just a touch more claustrophobic from all the extra survivors down in the hold. On top of that, what with many still injured, the atmosphere was depressive. Especially without Sagax to crack jokes with - the tension between the two hadn't lessened any since leaving the Kamal to die in the icy waters, and she had no intention of being the first one to try and salvage their relationship. He was the one acting like a bloody fool. Realising with a scowl that she was beginning to sound like a cranky old woman (thankfully just in her head), Roze stood with a slight groan, stretching her muscles and deciding that some fresh air would likely do some good. If Sagax was above deck, then she'd quite happily ignore him - with the skies cleared, the view would be enough to distract anyone anyway. The wind blew across the surface of the Sea of Ghosts bore a chill, though the sun above warmed his skin. Leif had found a moment of peace, he had nothing of importance to attend to, nor was his help needed for that matter. He rested his elbows against the wooden railing, his eyes turned upwards to the periwinkle sky above, and watched as puffy white clouds that reminded him of tundra cotton drifted across the sky. As of now, he hadn't a worry in the world. Oh sure, there was the pressing matters of a surprise Kamal attack. Just then, he turned his head at the sound of footsteps across the boards. there came Rozalia. A small smile crossed his lips at the sight of her, "Roze. That was a brave thing you did." He called out to her. As it happened, Sagax was nowhere to be seen; instead Leif was stood admiring the very scene Roze was drawn to. Approaching the Nord with a grin, she waved off the compliment. "Ah, you know me Leif. I seem to have a penchant for blowing things up, it was nothing really." Coming to a stop beside him, she rested her back against the rail, closing her eyes briefly as she took in the light breeze. Strands of wavy hair came free from her bandanna and whipped about her face, content expression curling into a light frown as she pushed the offending ringlets back. It was about time she had the damned mane sheared. "I hear that you and some others took down the Kamal Captain. Some sailors say he wielded two morning-stars. Other says he shot lightning bolts from his eyes and had a poisonous tail too, but either way, it seemed to be quite the arduous task to complete." Roze replied with a laugh, pulling her hair back and using the bandanna to tie it into a messy, but tight, bun. Leif's wounds from Bthamz seemed to have healed somewhat; the burns looking nowhere near as raw and painful as they had before. If he was lucky, he'd be free from scarring - and perhaps grow some of his beard back. "Ah yes, that was quite a..." He sighed, a hand absent-mindedly brushing against the burned portion of face. The burn stretched from his temple down to his jaw, where a good chunk of his beard had gone with it. Some might consider him vain from the simple fact that he spent most of his spare time healing the burn little by little. Granted, the burn on his face healed quicker than the one on his chest. "I am glad to be alive. What more can I say?" He said finally, glancing at the woman beside him. "Forgive me if it's not my place, did something happen to you and Sagax? You both seem oddly distant lately." Leif's inquiry was met with a roll of Roze's eyes, folding her arms across her chest as if she were stubbornly caught in an argument. "It's nothing. Sagax just needs to learn that you can't save everyone, and it's silly to beat yourself up about that fact." She replied haughtily, scowling momentarily before her gaze softened as it landed on Leif. "Speaking of distant... I've been meaning to talk to you about... well, about Sevine. I've gathered you must be upset." Her tone became somewhat sarcastic towards the end; most people in Dawnstar had become privy to Leif's drunken outburst. It wasn't everyday that someone challenged the Red Bear to a fight. "Care to share your thoughts?" Every muscle in his body stiffened at the mention of Sevine, he glanced sideways at Roze, what was she trying to discover? Could he trust her? No, he thought too much on the subject. After all, Sevine belonged to Do'Karth now, she was not his to claim. Slowly, his shoulders drooped in defeat, "Rozalia, have you ever loved another?" He asked, testing the waters. She hesitated before answering, turning from where she stood so she was facing out at the sea. Love was an odd thing... many said that it was indescribable until you had witnessed it yourself, but how could one discern between love and true love? "I... believe so, yes." Said haltingly, Roze cast her eyes towards the horizon. "It wasn't a heart-breaking love, or a passionate one. Just easy; easy to sink in to, easy to miss." Glancing back to a down-trodden looking Leif, Roze figured that what he was feeling was a lot different to what she had just described. "Good." He nodded, "I don't know if this is something you can relate to, but my love for Sevine... Imagine reading a book, if you can read," he paused in his words, searching for the right words to say, "and you ended up falling in love with that character. Of course they're not real, so they'll never know your feelings, or how you yearn to be with someone like them. It's... quite like that. Sevine doesn't know the wound she has inflicted on my heart by being with Do'Karth. Yes, she has every right to be happy, that I know and respect. But..." he faltered again, his eyes searching the dark waters below before turning to face Roze directly, "I know the way I treat women can be off putting. Perhaps that is why she has never considered me to be a partner. But, I know in my heart of hearts that I would love her until the end of time, if only she would let me. And now, she has chosen her partner, and rather hastily in my eyes. I have been there for her longer than most would care to know. Did she ever consider my feelings? Did she even care? Have I wasted years pining after her for nothing? I feel as if I never existed fully in her eyes. That I am just someone that saved her life countless times in the war, tended to her wounds like a devoted lover, and still, she kicked me aside. All I've ever wanted is her to give me one chance to show her how I love, and could love her." He finished speaking, the corners of his mouth turned down into a deep frown while his eyes were a saddened pool of sky blue. Sighing uncomfortably, Roze rubbed the back of her neck, looking back to the waters, finding it easier to look there than Leif's melancholy expression. "Leif, I understand you must be hurting. Sevine does to, because she's your friend. But you need to start looking at this from more than just your perspective. I know it seems unfair, but we don't choose to fall in love with people - she's never given you that chance because she doesn't love you in that way." Roze also figured that Leif was acting rather uncouthly towards their flame-headed friend, and that was helping much in their relationship; but she didn't need to point out that he'd acted immaturely. Understanding would work better here... hopefully. "She does care for you - you know that. But she doesn't owe you her love." She finished softly, placing a comforting hand over Leif's on the railing. His eyes shifted to the delicate hand atop his own, his thoughts were running amok and finding the words to say made it even difficult to speak. Leif knew that what Roze said was true, painfully true. An iron lump formed in his throat, he closed his eyes and inhaled slowly to calm his nerves. With his other hand, he reached out for her hand atop his where he patted it, giving it a gentle squeeze before removing from his. "You speak the truth, I am afraid to admit. But the truth nonetheless. I can only hope that she chose the right person. I have my doubts concerning Do'Karth." He recalled Niernen's peculiar behavior towards the Khajiit, and debated on whether or not Do'Karth would be a chivalrous partner for Sevine after all. "Doubts?" Roze questioned, one eyebrow raised. She could understand such worries if Sevine had taken a fancy to the likes of Dumhuvud, but Do'Karth was a fine fellow. He'd treated her most courteously in the past, and while she too wondered if the pair were rushing into something, she had no qualms about Do'Karth. "Surely it's not because he's a Khajiit?" Although Nords were infamous for their distrust of the furred folk, Roze had never pegged Leif as the blindly discriminatory kind. "No, although one can't be too cautious these days. I regard everyone with suspicion unless proven otherwise." He managed to laugh for once, "It's... uh... Niernen." He lowered his voice in case the Dunmeri woman happened to be close by. "She's rather fond of him. I can't speak for himself, I just hope that he has a noble heart and won't fall to the perils of temptation." A silence fell between them, and Leif felt uncomfortable for once. It was odd, to say the least, to speak to Roze on such matters of the heart. Roze's laugh echoed Leif's once he had finished speaking. "Leif, the casanova of Windhelm, being worried about another man falling to temptation?" She snickered, clearly amused behind the irony of the sentiment. "Oh, I wouldn't worry about that. We all know what Sevine would do to a man if he dared cheat on her." It didn't have to be said that the adulterer would be missing several appendages that would be sorely missed. "It is interesting that you bring up Niernen though. I too have noticed to looks of longing she gives to him... perhaps you should talk with her. Your love lives seem to have taken the same path together - it may even help you both move on, in some way?" Her suggestion was a long shot, but it probably wouldn't hurt. However, part of her believed that Leif had no intention of moving on, not when he still saw a chance with his unrequited love. "Mmm. I hope she would if that were the case." He added, his lips parted into a grin at the idea of Sevine hacking off unmentionables out of pure spite, though his thoughts strayed to her suggestion. Perhaps he should speak with her. Not now of course, but perhaps at Windpeak to share a mug of ale. "I suppose it couldn't hurt to try." He nodded in agreement, his eyes softened at the realization that it had helped to speak with someone on matters of the heart. Too long had he kept it bottled inside, even with Jorwen, he had dared not reveal the entire extent of his love for Sevine. A brow curled into an arch as he gazed at the tiny Breton woman next to him, just then, a ghost of a smile appeared on his lips, "Thank you for listening, Roze." Returning his smile, Roze pushed off from the rail of the ship. "Anytime Leif - I'm always ready to listen to my friends." And with that, she made her way back into the hold, stomach grumbling and ready for whatever edible food she could scavenge on the full ship. She felt better; both from the fresh air and the talk. Leif had seemed somewhat more content, and that was enough for the young rogue to feel like she'd done something worthwhile. For some reason, she felt happier about that than she had saving the prisoners earlier. [hr][hr] The second day aboard the Kyne's Tear was about as insufferable as the first; less food, and the smell radiating from the liberated - but unwashed - prisoners grew worse at each passing hour. Not to mention all of the vomit. But finally, as Roze once more reached the top deck for some gloriously clean air, the familiar bay of Dawnstar appeared in the distance. A smile graced her face, met with a relieved sigh. In just a short amount of time, they'd be back on dry land. "It is a relief, seeing dry land, no?" A familiar feline voice asked, his Southern accent smooth against the chill of the air. He had been sitting cross-legged on the deck nearby, meditating, when a familiar set of footballs caught his attention. "You are quite distinctive when you walk. You are much lighter on your feet than the others." Do'Karth observed, rising to his feet gracefully and standing alongside her. "It has been some time since we last spoke. Have you been well?" he asked Roze with a smile. "That's a fine compliment, coming from a Khajiit. Everyone knows cats are the most silent of predators." She replied with a grin; while Do'Karth was no thief (As far as she knew, anyway) he still had such a quiet grace about him. Even the group's heavier Khajiit Rhasha'Dar had a lighter foot-fall than one would expect from someone wearing such heavy armour. "And I am fine. I fared far better during this fight with the Kamal than the last time; you won't have to stitch me up again." She added with a chuckle, smile faltering slightly as she recalled her conversation with Leif the other day. "I've been meaning to pass along my congratulations; you and Sevine seem quite happy together." Pausing, Roze looked back to the coast and the ever-growing town of Dawnstar. Hopefully Sevine would be there, alive and well after the forest mission. On that note, Roze hoped everyone survived. "You are happy with this new relationship, right?" While said bluntly, it was not meant to insult Do'Karth; her gaze had returned to the Khajiit, wondering about his answer. Love was a wondrous thing, but very rarely did it give one only happiness. It came with a cost too - Roze only hoped Leif was the only cost of this union between her friends. Do'Karth blinked, surprised. "Of course. Sevine is all Do'Karth has thought about since we left Dawnstar. This one regrets having left her... there is a feeling of resentment towards our commanders for it, but this one knows his place in the company. We all have a duty to fulfill, and a courtship cannot come before the needs of the many. It does not mean Do'Karth cannot feel a bit selfish about the whole thing and wish he had gone with Sevine." He replied earnestly, standing erect with his hands crossed behind his back. "Do'Karth is a healer; there were simply more people who could use his talents here than on a scouting mission... at least this one presumes that is the justification for the assignment." Leaning against the railing and resting her head in the palm of her hand, Roze laughed lightly. "Oh, I'm pretty sure our glorious leaders just pick randomly - I doubt they put much effort into deciding which of the company becomes cannon fodder. Or forest fodder, in Sevine's case." Again, Roze was glad to have not needed Do'Karth's assistance in restoration this time around; although his presence was definitely comforting in the case of injury happening. And after coming across Armigers, a Dwemer Centurion [i]and[/i] a Kamal frigate, it was a good thing so many on board knew healing magic. Roze really needed to learn some, at this rate. "But I'm glad you seem so devoted to her. When we talked before leaving, she was happier than I had ever seen her before. If only..." She paused, lips clamping shut for a moment. It wasn't as if Do'Karth didn't know, however. "I only wish your happiness wasn't affecting... others." She finished tactfully. "Leif." Do'Karth stated, flat out throwing the elephant in the room on the table. "This one wishes he could say he felt guilt for Leif's jealousy and affections for Sevine, but he will not apologize for what Sevine and this one share. It is unfortunate that love affects people, sometimes without clear cut divisions, but Do'Karth is not going to pretend he knows why Mara lets things play out the way they do." The Khajiit said with a sigh, staring out at the bay ahead. "This one did not set out to Skyrim looking for a lover, but he found one nevertheless. He found a place that he felt he could call home with her, after so many years of searching for a purpose. Do'Karth has her, and the friends he had made along the way. It pains him to think that he's wounded Leif by his actions, but has Leif ever thought to ask about Sevine's happiness, or is he just searching for his own gratification, to fill a hole that he thinks she can fill?" He asked, tail flicking irritably. Making a mental note to kick herself later for annoying him, Roze straightened up, looking to Do'Karth with an understanding smile. "I know - he's acting immaturely, but a lot of men do when they're hurting. Not that that makes his actions justified, at all. I'm fairly sure he'll get over it after a while, and hopefully make things up with Sevine." She paused uncomfortably, glancing at the Khajiit's tail. You didn't have to spend much time around cats, sentient or not, to understand what that meant. "I'm sorry for bringing it up - I didn't mean to upset you." "Not at all." Do'Karth said warmly, a smile crossing his lips. The tension ebbed out of him. "This one was simply reflecting, it is nothing personal. For now, there is nothing to be done in regards to our mutual friend, so this one will simply wait for him to act upon it... which Do'Karth assumes will be sooner rather than later." The Khajiit admitted with a shy shrug. "But that is enough about Do'Karth. He is glad to see you escaped injury, but have you fared well?" He asked, concerned. "It was quite a frightening situation, and although Do'Karth knows you and Sagax placed the charges that sunk the ship, he doesn't hold you responsible for what happened to Valen. It was unavoidable, and you two saved lives." He paused, looking towards her with concern. "Normally you two are inseperable. Since then, this one has barely spotted you together. What happened?" [i]"Gods, everybody seems to be picking up on that. And here I was ignoring him to avoid bringing attention to it."[/i] Drumming her fingers lightly on the railing, Roze pursed her lips in discomfort. "Oh... it's just..." She paused, wondering what Do'Karth would think about the Pakseech. Would he judge her too, for wanting to leave the elder Argonian behind? Then again, it would do no good weaving lies, as it would only take asking Sagax to discover the truth. "When we were planting the charges, we came across the engine room. The Kamal... naturally, they don't use normal fuel like wood or coal. The engine was like a giant soul gem." A lump seemed to appear in her throat at the memory, goosebumps shivering down her spine at the horrific image of it. To have a soul destroyed like that was... sickening. "The Pakseech from Windhelm was there, still alive. Sagax wanted to save him. I... talked him out of it. We left, and he probably died." She couldn't bare to meet Do'Karth's eyes. In any other situation, Roze wouldn't have even thought twice about it. But now? [i]"Who knew a group of mercenaries would make me soft?"[/i] She thought to herself with a cynical scoff. Instead of rebuking her, Do'Karth placed a hand on Roze's shoulder. "You did what needed to be done. There is nothing to apologize for. This is war, and people need to make difficult choices. Yours was between a handful and the many." The Khajiit said softly. "This one swore he'd never kill again, and so far he has held true to that, but how long can that last? This one struggles with the thought that his mercy might get an innocent person killed. If the Argonians were being used to fuel this engine you speak of, and had no fight left... what other choice was there? You saved those who had not been harvested from a much worse fate. You were brave to do so. Roze," He said, leaning in front of her so their eyes could meet. "You are a good person. This one has seen that in you, and you risk your life every single time we go out there so others may live. You can continue to walk with your head held high." Roze was unsure why she felt so surprised; she already knew that Do'Karth was kind-hearted, but what with Sagax's reaction, she had expected the worst reaction from everyone. Once more, Do'Karth had brought a smile to her face when she was feeling down. At this rate, she was beginning to think he was a healer in more ways than just restoration. "Thank you. It means a lot to hear that... it's easy to think bad of yourself in harsh times like these." It was curious - before now, she hadn't even considered this situation to be war. To her, war was knowing exactly who your enemy was, and meeting them in battles with banners, war-horns and drummer boys. Bloody and brutal, yes, but against the Kamal, this simply felt like survival. Part of her wondered if they could even defeat them... but then again, they were ice giants. Ice melts eventually, and it does so a lot quicker than flesh decays. Frowning for just a moment in confusion, Roze realised what Do'Karth had said. Never kill again? But... surely he had killed Kamal. Or had he? "Wait... you don't kill people anymore? Not even in self-defense?" She asked, wondering just why he would think like that. "You too are undoubtedly good, but sometimes people just... need to die." Roze hoped she didn't sound callous there, but she was right. While he was no doubt adept in using his quarterstaff, Roze worried that this abstinence from killing would lead to his demise. Leaning back against the gunwale, Do'Karth's smile didn't waver. "Once was enough, when Do'Karth was a different Khajiit and much more... let's say single minded person. Since then, he realized who he needed to become. Do'Karth was one of those people who needed to die, Roze." He said, shooting her a bemused glance. "But S'rendarr spared him, for some reason. Run through with a half dozen blades and thrown into a pit to rot, somehow this one managed to find his way back to the living and not pass to the Sands Beyond the Stars. Do'Karth should have died years ago, but he is living on a gift that he wishes to use to the best of his abilities. That means trying to see the best in people, helping where he can, and not taking lives." He looked down at his hand, imagining it coming back bloody like he had those many years ago. "Perhaps it will get this one killed some day. Perhaps it won't. Do'Karth knows that if he ever crossed that line again, that person may very well be someone like him who was misguided, and simply needed a second change to set things right and leave the world a better place than they found it." It was hard for her to imagine Do'Karth in the way he had just described his past; it was not her place to delve into it, but she had to wonder just what he had done to recieve such injuries. Deciding that today was not the day for her to learn such things, Roze figured that Do'Karth had already told this tale to Sevine. And if Sevine was happy with it, so would she. "A brave way to see this world and it's people. Foolhardy, some would say, but we all have our own different perspectives." Smile growing, Roze placed her hand on his shoulder as he had her. "But if I have anything to say about it, you'll stay alive for a very long time. You and Sevine both - and the world will be better for it." This was fairly set in her heart; Roze could see Do'Karth and Sevine's love, and with them being her friends, she'd be more than happy to take hits for them. At the very least she could kill attackers without Do'Karth having to. Sevine would be happy for her assistance, at the very least. "And to think, there's still so much of the world out there this one hasn't seen. He'd like to stay around long enough to see the fruits of his labour pay off, no?" Do'Karth laughed, feeling much lighter in heart than he had before. "Thank you for listening to this one prattle on, he is anxious, you understand. It is a wonderful thing to have someone waiting for you." Joining in on his laughter, Roze's spirits lifted even more as the ship neared the mooring station. "Indeed it is. Go and find your fair maid and sweep her into your arms!" She joked, glad to have had another cheering conversation with Do'Karth. As the ship docked and the crew members milled away, Roze felt quite content. She'd avoided Sagax - and an inevitable argument - for the whole voyage, and she'd also talked with both Leif and Do'Karth about Sevine. The young rogue had high hopes that her words had done something to alleviate the pressure between the three, and as she strolled casually through the streets of Dawnstar, figured that all of their troubles would blow over and all could be friends again. Then she turned around a corner and saw the very same three she had been thinking about; Sevine looking pissed, Leif looking pissed, and Do'Karth probably looking pissed if his flicking tail and Leif's finger upon his chest was anything to go by. "Oh, come on guys. You had one fucking job!" She groaned quietly, slapping a hand to her forehead in sheer disbelief.