[quote=@SleepingSilence] Okay, I simply think there's a huge difference between, not knowing about and hating/having ill will towards another's race. Racism has never been used in a mild critique, it's always a damning word of someone's moral compass and always had an extremely negative connotation. Saying everyone is (only a slight step down from everything is, like your wooden chair is racist in someway.) Just doesn't hold any water. Especially, since people are charged with the crime of hating their own race, how the fuck does that work out in tribal terms? If you count ignorance as racism, I feel that makes the word meaningless. I simply think most of it boils down to lack of knowledge about other cultures, but once you learn about those cultures...or hell if you live in those cultures. You won't feel or think any differently than someone in that culture. Meaning you aren't born racist, you're born without knowledge. Jontron said some poorly thought out statements. (which he admitted to doing.) Though the crime statistics I'm not convinced are bullshit...So mixing all those statements like they're somehow equal, seems unhelpful. It's not wrong to call out stupidity, but assuming ill intentions with paper thin evidence is going too far. (at least in my opinion.) And if all it was, was saying "Hey, those statements we're kind of stupid to say. You didn't think that out very clearly!" Vs. "OMG he hates black people, that one joke he made a long time ago was realz!?" "Now it's okay to talk down to him! Let's ruin his career!" which is exactly what most conversations have been from various social media websites. I think it's a little disturbing to assume such awful things about other people, that they've never even had a passing conversation with. I just don't think tribalism is really an accurate word either. People are individuals, they're not a collective. I don't know exactly how to describe it, but all I see in life, more often than not. Isn't tribalism, but bandwagon hatred. The kind of desperation to fit in that you'll hate whatever people in your circles hate. But trespassing has kind of always been seen as a bad thing, probably before private propriety laws were even a thing...and there's just so much more to it than that. I think the "debate" is why people try to make it seem like people are talking about "immigration" when their not and talking specifically about people breaking the law. I don't see much leeway in that...Now legal immigration can be discussed until the cows come home and then we can laugh about Canada and Trudeau being a lying dick. "Everyone's welcome here!" - says the guy that has far stricter immigration policies in his country than the united states. [/quote] First and foremost I didn't invent the word racism, i'm just using it correctly. The reason why we jump the gun on public racism, like I said way earlier, is because there is a public taboo against it. The reason for that taboo is that if we accepted all the JonTron type opinions with no controversy, his opinion might become acceptable and start to drive public policy, which could mean state violence against minorities. Also, your alternative description for tribalism is tribalism. You wrap your idea of yourself in the group you belong to. I didn't mean that group literally was a tribe you belong to. Not everyone identifies with their race, so that might not be your tribal affiliation. Trespassing assumes we are talking about property specifically. The illegality isn't "Trespassing", it's a lack of documentation or vetting. What we can discuss is whether or not it is more practical to hunt down illegal immigrants and drive them out, or to allow them a way to get the necessary documentation while living here. I think both sides of the debate have good points, but I think it is a little tragic to say "They broke the law lol no debate is allowed" And the reason why illegal immigration gets turned into a general immigration debate is because most arguments against illegal immigration have been made about immigration in general. Both sides of the debate do this. [quote=@SleepingSilence] https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2014/07/millennials-economics-voting-clueless-kids-these-days/374427/ Off topic, but I think you can find anyone claiming their anything...There's people calling themselves "Jewish Atheists" and "Anarcho-Socialists" there's probably more gender labels than ever before...that no average person would a have a fucking clue what they meant. Self proclaiming your something to be special or unique is something that is only getting more ridiculous and common...Like it may take 10, 20 or 50 years. But depending on how much stupid we take seriously, other kin [b]will[/b] start becoming a mainstream idea and not a joke... :/ So to answer your question, I doubt most people claiming that even know what it means, but would I be surprised if it someone claimed that to be their belief system? No. [/quote] Anarcho-Socialists go back to the 19th century and arguably predates Marxism, and the cultural Jew (Jewish Atheist) is an old time standard. Those things aren't that weird tbh, them dang-darn millenials didn't invent those. Though you're right on the gender labels, I have a beef with most of those. As for the above article, doesn't that basically explain everybody honestly? My grandma thinks private healthcare is socialism and Trump needs to do the capitalist thing and get rid of it. People have goofy ideas of what politics is regardless of age. But yeh, I suppose there are probably Post-Modern communists, since a lot of people seem to think "Communism is when the government gives you stuff", and that idea alone could be mashed in with post-modernism.