[u]Non-Fatal[/u] (Player1) prevents a forest fire. (Player1) prays toward Mecca, having found Allah. While everyone else was collecting berries, (Player1) studied the blade. (Player1) carves memes into the trees. (Player1) and (Player2) meet in the woods and make awkward small-talk. [u]Fatal[/u] (Player1) sticks (Player2)'s head in a pile of dung and holds it there until (he/she2) drowns in it. (Player1), (Player2), (Player2), and (Player4) draws and quarters (Player5), killing (him/her5) (Player1) has a fatal brain aneurysm. (Player1) is killed by the Gamemakers for political reasons pertaining to (his/her1) past activities. (Player1) finds bear cubs and starts to play with them, and is mauled to death by the mother bear.