[hider=John W.] [center] [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Jonathan Walker [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 17 [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Male [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Jonathan is polite, friendly, and helpful. He is, however, not easily taken advantage of, as he always pushes for his relationships to be a healthy give and take. He demands that in exchange for favors and gifts, he be allowed to work off his perceived debts, and to him, carrying a healthy balance is everything. Jonathan is a deep thinker despite not being particularly bright. He always eventually comes around to the same conclusions other, smarter people come to - though it may take hours, or even weeks and months. He is painfully aware of his lack of brains and prefers to let others do the thinking for him in the short term, only questioning things if they go against his values of respect and balance. Jonathan [i]always[/i] pushes himself, and will gladly step up to any challenge presented to him, including those that are far beyond his abilities. As far as he's concerned, getting himself beaten to a pulp is a learning experience. He is an ambivert, and is just as happy alone as in a crowd. He tries to understand what loneliness is and pushes for those who seem alone to join him, but it just sorta comes off as being annoying to some. In battle, he is enthusiastic, even when being torn to pieces. Good sportsmanship is a part of his soul to a fault, and he doesn't seem to recognize the concepts of "good" and "evil" or "right" and "wrong", beyond showing respect to one's opponent and treating everyone fairly. [u][b]Backstory:[/b][/u] Jonathan comes from a relatively wealthy family living in rural New York. While his childhood home was no mansion, it was fairly large, with more than enough space for him and his four siblings to explore the world safely. He took mixed martial arts lessons with his two brothers for years, which developed his sense of respect, and with his family's encouragement, he became the model of good citizenship. A number of 'awards' were granted to him for his 'leadership skills' - which basically amounted to trying to stop arguments between classmates in school, and nothing else, so his ability to lead is questionable at best. In his earlier teens, Jonathan found and lost love on a regular basis. Relationship after relationship failed because he gave too much and was taken advantage of. Instead of hardening beyond reason, though, his experiences pushed him gently towards confidence and self respect. At one point there was a rivalry with the boy he considered to be his best friend - Carson McDougall, who had a bad habit of trying to take advantage of Jonathan's kindness. The friendship ended in a fistfight after Jonathan's girlfriend at the time was discovered behind the school stadium bleachers with Carson. His constant sparring with his friends led to the discovery of his strange manifestation of Wavecaster powers, and he transferred to the Institute after his discovery by local police. It was a peaceful conversation, only prompted by a neighbor being worried by Jonathan suplexing his brother. [u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] Jonathan stands at 6'4", and weighs nearly two hundred and eighty pounds in nearly pure muscle. He has a clean-cut square jawline and shallow cheekbones standing beneath a short Roman style nose and hazel eyes. Bushy black eyebrows sit low on his face, with wavy and curly black hair slicked back with an almost comical volume of hair gel. His arms and chest are comically oversized compared to the rest of his body. Jonathan generally dresses nicely, as he took his fashion stylings from his father, who took his style from his father before him. As such, he wears old-style sporting gear - a tweed sporting jacket over a button-down shirt, with brown slacks supported by suspenders. He wears a differently colored English flat cap upon his head every day. [u][b]Equipment:[/b][/u] A fine ballpoint pen. Numerous hats and tweed jackets. A briefcase with all of his study supplies and copies of important paperwork, including a passport and birth certificate. Coins. Lots of them. [u][b]Abilities:[/b][/u] Jonathan can bench press up to 400lbs., and can deadlift up to 600. He is physically monstrous. He is a disciplined student and almost never misses a day of class or an assignment. Overwhelming optimism. Agility. Jonathan can turn and move his own body surprisingly quickly for a man of his size, though running isn't an option due to sheer mass -- it would wreak havoc on his knees. [u][b]Channeller category:[/b][/u] (Unknown - either Alternative or a bizarre Wavecaster?) [u][b]Description of power:[/b][/u] Kinetic energy modification. Jonathan can expend energy to change the momentum of any object he comes into direct contact with. His lack of understanding of his power means that he can only propel [i]entire[/i] objects, however, rather than propelling individual parts. If he were to try to propel, say, someone's arm, the entire person would be launched. [u][b]Names/descriptions of moves:[/b][/u] [i]Catapult[/i]: Jonathan touches a large object - a person, a car, whatever - and sends them flying in whichever direction he pleases. [i]Coin Toss[/i]: A penny, held between his thumb and forefinger, is flung at near-bullet velocities. He's getting surprisingly good with his aim, though wind throws his shots off course. [i]NOPE[/i]: He catches an object hurtling towards him and either slows or completely halts it. So far, he's discovered that this applies to anything physical, as well as any solid blasts hurled at him such as fireballs, so long as he can wrap his head around it as being one coherent object - and can actually react to it quickly enough. [u][b]Future Techniques:[/b][/u] [i]Collapse[/i]: Jonathan, having learned to think of objects as the sum of their parts rather than entire objects, grabs an object with both hands and propels the two parts towards one another in a crushing motion. [i]Rip[/i]: Similar to Collapse, Jonathan instead propels parts [i]away[/i] from one another. [i]Bombing Run[/i]: Jonathan has finally figured out that, yes, he himself is an object that he can throw. He does so and bombards a target from above with whatever he can get his hands on. [i]ABSOLUTELY NOPE[/i]: Instead of merely slowing down or stopping an energy blast, Jonathan focuses his efforts on flinging it back at its owner against their will. This takes an enormous amount of concentration to do, and as such, he only does it to truly massive attacks. [i]Dustbowl[/i]: Jonathan stomps on the ground, flinging a section of the ground upwards to distract his opponents. [u][b]Character theme song:[/b][/u] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_F5459jCtuM [u][b]Other:[/b][/u] Jonathan is a would-be artist. He's too clumsy with his hands to make anything particularly pretty, but that creativity comes out in other outlets, such as in combat. [/center] [/hider] Here ya go. One character application, fresh off the stove. Not entirely sure what sort of Channeler he is, so it's up to you. Open to negotiations on abilities. [@tipssyCalibrator]