[hr][hr][center][h1][i][b][color=b8860b]Reginald Keystone[/color][/b][/i][/h1] [img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/76ca11af5771405a055ca9291e9e4b2b/tumblr_nvhilyU39J1qcxymno4_500.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][color=b8860b][b]Location:[/b][/color] Grand Continental Hotel [/center][hr][hr] Reginald gave the standard back and forth banter associated with the holding and transferring of a ne'er-do-well from private hands over to the local authority. The Empire technically held sway concerning the trade and protection of Egypt, and as such the Royal Military trained Cairo's law enforcement personnel, openly working in tandem them after the fact. The Lord Major's presence made it all a tad more official. Not that the situation wouldn't have gone similarly otherwise, but the clout provided by someone of Reginald's stature made the questioning lighter, if a tad more prone to unneeded ceremony. Sergeant Walsh, while seemingly a decent fellow, was technically a "civilian with benefits". He tucked away his pistol but did not snap the holster shut, preferring to have access to the device quickly were the next odd yet inevitable thing to occur within the next moments. As it turned out, the next odd thing to occur was marching up the thoroughfare with a patrol of British soldiers in tow. "DOUBLETIME! ...hut, hut, hut, hut, hut, hut... Company halt! Right face! Ready for orders, Lord [b]MAJOR![/b]" [color=b8860b]"Bloody hell, Corporal, you're scaring the straights!"[/color] He facepalmed, truly embarrassed for himself and the men under his command. [color=b8860b]Just... at ease, and hold for orders, man!"[/color] The Lord Major was very curious in that instant as to who promoted this man. The thought occurred to him, to his chagrin, that it was probably him. Damned whisky.