[quote=@Pundii] [@HushedWhispers] Yooooo happy birthday fam! Will be working on relationships soon! Edit: if anyone has any ideas for a relationship with Mark, feel free to pm me! [/quote] Thank you so much! :D [quote=@Ogobrogo] Dude a no go? Fair enough, famski. ALSO! Got this little guy ready, I think. I'm not honestly sure, really. I'm horribly sleep deprived at the moment. I think I put English together. I hope I put English together. [hider=Benjamin Hill][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170331/3c0702549d73b3906e82ce2f6c78ffbf.png[/img] [img]http://www.hahaha.com/sites/2013.hahaha.com/files/artistpic/brad_williams_bio_745x490.jpg[/img] [sub][b]"[i]Party. Sleep. Repeat.[/i]"[/b][/sub] -[b]Unknown[/b][/center][hr][hr][centre][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170331/806459ae23f901e8afd1207f1ae10db9.png[/img][/centre][hr] [color=FF8000][b]Name;[/b][/color] [indent]Benjamin Theodore Hill[/indent] [color=FF8000][b]Nickname;[/b][/color] [indent]Ben or Benny, preferably.[/indent] [color=FF8000][b]Birth Date;[/b][/color] [indent]August 12th.[/indent] [color=FF8000][b]Age;[/b][/color] [indent]Twenty-three.[/indent] [color=FF8000][b]Zodiac Sign;[/b][/color] [indent]Leo.[/indent] [color=FF8000][b]Gender;[/b][/color] [indent]Male.[/indent] [color=FF8000][b]Sexuality;[/b][/color] [indent]Heterosexual.[/indent] [color=FF8000][b]Rich or Poor;[/b][/color] [indent]Filthy stinkin’ rich.[/indent] [color=FF8000][b]Trust Fund or Scholarship;[/b][/color] [indent]Trust Fund.[/indent] [color=FF8000][b]Major;[/b][/color] [indent]Film and Television.[/indent] [color=FF8000][b]Minor;[/b][/color] [indent]Creative Writing.[/indent] [color=FF8000][b]Occupation;[/b][/color] [indent] Independent Filmmaker. [/indent] [color=FF8000][b]Social Status;[/b][/color] [indent]Upper Middle Class/New Money[/indent] [color=FF8000][b]Spending Habits;[/b][/color] [indent]Let it rain.[/indent] [hr][hr][centre][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170331/5d00edcd7d938356d8684136f79a4adc.png[/img][/centre][hr] [color=FF8000][b]In Depth Appearance;[/b][/color] [indent]Alright, so let’s just go ahead and address the elephant in the room: Ben’s a dwarf. Always has been, always will be, barring some sort of medical breakthrough. And to go ahead and answer the inevitable follow up question, he’s about four foot four. To be fair, we could probably cut this section right here, because as far as Ben knows, he’s the only little person on campus, so it really shouldn’t be too difficult to pick him out of a crowd. But fuck that noise. Ben has a rather average build, all things considered. Not exactly skinny, but not fat either. Perhaps leaning a bit towards pudgy, but he’s got a few years before it’ll likely evolve into a full beergut. His limbs aren’t exactly proportionate to his torso, with his legs actually being quite bowed. Yet another gift from Achondroplasia. And if the fair skin, brown hair, and general facial features hadn’t clued you in yet, Ben is caucasian. A shock, we’re sure. Ben keeps his hair cut clean and tight, and his beard and moustache mostly trimmed. Male-pattern baldness has pushed back the guy’s hairline on the sides aggressively quick. Like, one day he had a full head of hair and the next he was about a bottle of red hair dye away from being a miniature Louis C.K. Gotta love that genetic lottery. [/indent] [color=FF8000][b]Clothing Style;[/b][/color] [indent]While Benny will dress up from time to time, for the most part he’s a tee-shirt and jeans kind of guy. Graphic tees, polos, really as long as it doesn’t stink or have mold growing on it, it’ll do. Fashion’s never really been his forte and he’s never really had expensive tastes. Hell, most of his wardrobe comes from Wal-Mart. [/indent][hr][hr][centre][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170331/b85611a7afa5821127fccba12c3439de.png[/img][/centre][hr] [color=FF8000][b]Likes;[/b][/color] [indent][color=FF8000]✔[/color] Alcohol. [color=FF8000]✔[/color] Bars and Clubs. [color=FF8000]✔[/color] Parties. Sleeps. Repeats. [color=FF8000]✔[/color] Classic Rock. How can anybody NOT love AC/DC? [color=FF8000]✔[/color] Women. [color=FF8000]✔[/color] Film. [color=FF8000]✔[/color] Humor. Literally nothing is off-limits. [color=FF8000]✔[/color] Attention. [color=FF8000]✔[/color] Meeting People. [color=FF8000]✔[/color] Road Trips. [color=FF8000]✔[/color] Books.[/indent] [color=FF8000][b]Dislikes;[/b][/color] [indent][color=#ff0000]✘[/color] Children. [color=#ff0000]✘[/color] Being Pitied/Looked Down Upon. [color=#ff0000]✘[/color] Roller Coasters/Amusement Parks. [color=#ff0000]✘[/color] Dairy Products. [color=#ff0000]✘[/color] Country Music [color=#ff0000]✘[/color] Being Ignored[/indent] [color=FF8000][b]Habits;[/b][/color] [indent][color=FF8000]•[/color] Absentmindedly chews pens when focusing. [color=FF8000]•[/color] Exaggerates for literally no reason whatsoever. [color=FF8000]•[/color] Borderline alcoholic. [color=FF8000]•[/color] Can’t resist a bet.[/indent] [color=FF8000][b]Hobbies;[/b][/color] [indent][color=FF8000]•[/color] Writing. [color=FF8000]•[/color] Worldbuilding. [color=FF8000]•[/color] Reading. [color=FF8000]•[/color] Watching Netflix/Movies [/indent] [color=FF8000][b]Fears;[/b][/color] [indent][color=FF8000]•[/color] Bears. [color=FF8000]•[/color] Heights. [color=FF8000]•[/color] Horses. [/indent] [center][color=FF8000][b]Personality Traits;[/b][/color] [h3][sub]Gregarious [color=FF8000]•[/color] Quick-witted [color=FF8000]•[/color] Generous[color=FF8000]•[/color] Goofy [color=FF8000]•[/color] Lazy [color=FF8000]•[/color] Hedonist [/sub][/h3][/center] [color=FF8000][b]Personality;[/b][/color] [indent]Some people just like to be around others. These people, they’ll talk about anything with anybody anywhere. They never meet a stranger. Everybody’s friend, y’know? Ben’s like that. He’s got a way of getting people to talk with him. To laugh with him. He’s just a cheerful dude and it’s pretty infectious. He just doesn’t take life seriously. After all, Ben’s just here to have a good time. So absolutely anything and everything is fair game in his eyes. And if he can get everybody else in on the fun, he will. It can be a bit frustrating though. Benny’s carefree nature leads him to half-ass just about anything he’s not super into, which pretty much leaves just his writing and his films. Everything else gets completed on “Bennytime”: finished when(if) it’s finished, deadlines be damned. Ol’ Benny Boy never misses a chance to party. See, he considers himself something of a playboy, and Lord knows he has all the confidence of one. He’s never let his condition stop him from going after a beautiful woman, and to his credit, the guy’s got more than a few notches on his headboard. So uh...good on him. He genuinely wants the best for those around him. Doesn't matter who it is, where they come from, or even what they've done. Hell, he’s willing to give the shirt off back if someone needed it. Money, things...none of that matters. Money can always be made and things can be replaced. Truth be told, Ben doesn’t have a mean-spirited bone in his body. He’s quick to forgive and forget. Grudges? Nah. Ain’t worth it. Unfortunately, Ben’s altruistic nature makes him pretty easy to use. He doesn’t really mind though, so it could probably be argued that he’s trying to buy affection from people. But what can ya do? [/indent] [hr][hr][centre][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170331/a15ec8438aed043b0c8d8b9ef511272c.png[/img][/centre][hr] [color=FF8000][b]Place of Origin;[/b][/color] [indent]Anaheim, California[/indent] [color=FF8000][b]Background;[/b][/color] [indent]Ben was born in Anaheim, California to Theodore and Bethany Hill. The couple had waited until later in life to have a child, but faced certain difficulties. Bethany was barren. It was difficult for the two to accept, but they did, eventually turning to adoption. They were quickly matched with Ben’s biological mother and everything went along without a hitch. Well...almost. See, Ben’s bio mother neglected to mention that Achondroplasia had been detected. Needless to say, the couple wasn’t exactly prepared for what they were getting into. Ted was furious at being bamboozled. He nearly backed out at the last moment, but the moment he and his wife laid eyes on the baby, they fell in love. So...yeah. Without a hitch. Both Theodore and Bethany were very successful in their respective fields. Theodore was a well respected director with plenty of critically-acclaimed hits under his belt. And Bethany? Well she was quite the actress back in her day, though she actually got her fortune through trading stock. Apparently investing in Microsoft was a great idea, who’d have thunk it? So, in other words, the couple was loaded. Ben wouldn’t want for anything growing up, having access to the best of the best. Generally, Ben had a happy childhood. He got an excellent education and would generally have his pick of the world. Thing is, Ben didn’t have the foggiest clue what he wanted to do. So, after high school, he took some time with some friends and embarked on the Great American Roadtrip to explore the country and himself. Forty-eight states and a party almost every night. It was heaven. But eventually the fun had to end. His friends had to return to their lives, to their Harvard Law and their Yale Medicine or whatever it was they ended up doing. And he would have to decide on a school too… After a stint backpacking across Europe with some other friends, that was. It ended up being mostly the same as the road trip, just with less English. But beer is beer, no matter where you’re at. Still, it was an enlightening experience. Ben, upon returning to the states, decided that he was finally ready to go to college. During his travels, he had heard countless stories from people from all walks of life. He wanted to share these stories with the world. He wanted to go into film. Follow in Dad's footsteps. Hell, be BETTER than him. He picked Hollywood University for a few reasons. Distance was a biggie. After spending so much time away, Ben wanted to be close to his roots for a while. The school also boosted a very strong film and television program, unsurprisingly. And, there was also the party scene, not gonna lie. [/indent] [color=FF8000][b]Extra;[/b][/color] [indent]But Robin Williams tho...[/indent][hr] [/hider] Also, same as Pundii here: if anybody wants anything to do with Tabby, just shoot me a PM and we can hammer out the deets. But Imma get some sleeps first. Peace, y'all. [/quote] Dudette would work. ;) And OMG. Your character though. Something new, original and fresh! I love what you did with the character and he is accepted! You may place him within the Character Tab whenever you are ready. :D [quote=@Prints Avoid] All done, I think. I apologize for in advance for the quote... I couldn't resist. By the way the character sheet is missing the [/center]. Took me a while to figure it out, just thought I'd say so in case anyone else's got trouble with it. Edit:Oh and can't believe I forgot to say. Happy birthday!! Do it big! [hider=Andres Anthony Vargas][center][h3][color=bcf5a9]Andy Vargas[/color][/h3] [img]http://i66.tinypic.com/34fz621.jpg[/img] [sub][b]"The Grind Never Stops💪💯We Hustlin All Day😈No Breaks😤🏋️Chasin That Goal👊"[/b][/sub] -[b]Student Athlete[/b][/center][hr][hr] [color=bcf5a9][b]Name;[/b][/color] [indent]Andres Anthony Vargas[/indent] [color=bcf5a9][b]Nickname;[/b][/color] [indent]Andy[/indent] [color=bcf5a9][b]Birth Date;[/b][/color] [indent]December 3[/indent] [color=bcf5a9][b]Age;[/b][/color] [indent]20[/indent] [color=bcf5a9][b]Zodiac Sign;[/b][/color] [indent]Sagittarius[/indent] [color=bcf5a9][b]Gender;[/b][/color] [indent]Male[/indent] [color=bcf5a9][b]Sexuality;[/b][/color] [indent]Heterosexual[/indent] [color=bcf5a9][b]Rich or Poor;[/b][/color] [indent]Poor? I guess?[/indent] [color=bcf5a9][b]Trust Fund or Scholarship;[/b][/color] [indent]Not quite trust fund[/indent] [color=bcf5a9][b]Major;[/b][/color] [indent]Biology[/indent] [color=bcf5a9][b]Minor;[/b][/color] [indent]Kinesiology[/indent] [color=bcf5a9][b]Occupation;[/b][/color] [indent]Waiter in the off season[/indent] [color=bcf5a9][b]Social Status;[/b][/color] [indent]Lower Middle Class[/indent] [color=bcf5a9][b]Spending Habits;[/b][/color] [indent]Experiences, not things[/indent][hr] [color=bcf5a9][b]In Depth Appearance;[/b][/color] [indent]With darker skin and hair, Andy stands at just above six feet. Immediately noticeable is his frame. He is a college football player after all, and despite being one of the leaner members of the team he's had to pack on some muscle in his first year to really compete. He takes care to keep his hair trimmed and neat, not liking the mess it becomes otherwise. He has a tattoo of a sun on his left shoulder blade.[/indent] [color=bcf5a9][b]Clothing Style;[/b][/color] [indent]Andy likes to dress casually. Growing up in a small town, his style was all comfort and function. Especially in this warm weather, he prefers just shorts and a t-shirt or tank. A bit bro-ish but he's fond of the flat brimmed snapback. However, his other commitments mean he has grown used to dressing up a little more. He struggles to find clothes as he doesn't like to pay too much for them, but the fit is very important to him.[/indent][hr] [color=bcf5a9][b]Likes;[/b][/color] [indent]Sports Partying Women Training New Experiences Family [/indent] [color=bcf5a9][b]Dislikes;[/b][/color] [indent]Being lied to Stuck up spoiled rich kids Being Alone Nosy People Cigarettes, tobacco, vapes, etc [/indent] [color=bcf5a9][b]Habits;[/b][/color] [indent]He's a knuckle and neck popper Often checks twitter Starts each day with coffee [/indent] [color=bcf5a9][b]Hobbies;[/b][/color] [indent]Working Out Board and Card Games Cooking Playing Pool [/indent] [color=bcf5a9][b]Fears;[/b][/color] [indent]Ending up alone Spiders[/indent] [color=bcf5a9][b]Personality Traits;[/b][/color] [center]Social[color=bcf5a9] | [/color]Hardworking[color=bcf5a9] | [/color]Confident[color=bcf5a9] | [/color]Wary[color=bcf5a9] | [/color]Impulsive[/center] [color=bcf5a9][b]Personality;[/b][/color] [indent]Andy has always been a down to earth guy. His popularity in high wasn't just a result of his football success. He was generally social and agreeable. The events of the past few years have changed things a bit, however. Between the deception of his parents, his biological father turning out to be a decent guy, and having to adjust to the world of the rich kids of Hollywood University, has become less sure of who to trust. He is still a social outgoing guy, but he struggles letting people in. For all the "friends" he's met, he's made few close friends. He's a confident guy, not one to ever doubt himself (except in his more important relationships). His approach to everything is "If they can do it, why can't I?" That said, he's never been incredibly ambitious. While he felt the world held infinite opportunity for him, his plan never included moving so far away. His plans never involve anything big, but for better or for worse, he's always been kind of impulsive. It surprised no one that the kid who said he'd go to a state school to get a good job, last minute decided to go to school in California and try and become "some sort of doctor or something." He has something of a chip on his shoulder, resenting the attitude of those who he think doesn't belong. From those who say he's poor, to those who say his position on the team is only due to his father. It's been the cause of a few altercations and subsequent punishment from the coaches.[/indent][hr] [color=bcf5a9][b]Place of Origin;[/b][/color] [indent]Sutton, TX[/indent] [color=bcf5a9][b]Background;[/b][/color] [indent]Clarisa Vargas's parents never questioned her when she returned home form her time in the city, single and pregnant at the age of 19. They didn't ask what had happened to the goals she claimed to have. They didn't judge her or even once remind her that they told her she wouldn't make it. They were just glad she was back. Their small judgmental town was not as quick to accept her, however, but even the most stubborn among them couldn't hold out forever. Eventually the town embraced her as it had before she left. So complete was the acceptance, that young Andy never suspected he was a bastard. The fact that he had a different last name from his dad never raised any flags. Neither did the fact that the man he called dad seemed to be absent from most of his memories before age 4. He had a stable childhood. They didn't have much, but Adam Miller was a hard working man. He gladly supported his new family, and instilled a healthy respect in Andy and his other children for that which is earned through hard work. They were a close family. Andy respected and shared everything with his parents. And apart from typical fighting, he gladly spent time with his younger (half)siblings Andy was a typical teenage boy in a small town, chasing girls and getting into all sorts of harmless trouble to break the monotony. He worked hard at his after school and summer jobs, knowing everything he earned would lessen the burden on his family. He wasn't the brightest student, but he worked hard to earn those Bs. Where he excelled, of course, were sports. While he was a welcome addition to every team he joined, Andy was the star of the football team. While their quarterback was pretty good, Andy playing wide receiver was who the whole town came out to see. He had enough for a simple but happy life. His football would get him into a decent school where he could do something with himself. But of course, secrets eventually come out. His sophomore year of high school was when one of the parents let it slip. Sure enough the next day the whole school knew even before he did. Andy was a bastard. It was a new time though. Many of his peers were in similar situations. No one judged him. It was just a fun scandal for them. For Andy, it changed everything. Not that it made Adam any less his father. Simply put, the lie hurt. And it made him question every aspect of himself. After much yelling and crying on both ends, Clarisa revealed the truth. Andy's father was the famous baseball player Chris Alvarez. The next few years were an emotional mess. His trust in his own parents shaken, Andy became more rebellious. Never quite enough to jeopardize his own future, but he stopped listening to his parents, letting his own sense guide him. It was on an impulse that he eventually reached out to his biological father in his senior year of high school. He wasn't expecting anything. He doubted anyone would even believe him. And if they did, what would a famous athlete even want to do with him. He'd married an actress and now had a beautiful family. He'd just deny it. At best he was expecting money or something. Instead, he was immediately flown out to California to visit and welcomed with open arms. Andy was surprised and touched to discover that Chris was genuinely interested in getting to know him. His family did not receive him quite so well. Still, for better or for worse, Chris and Andy were now part of each other's lives. This only served to put further strain on Andy's relationship with his parents. Eventually, Chris offered to pay for Andy to go and play football at Hollywood University. He's now in his second year, studying to become an optometrist or physical therapist (he'd go for full doctor but he's not quite sure he wants to tackle med school). In his first year he made a name for himself. He may not be the star of the football team anymore, competing for positions against players with much better resources and training, but he's made his presence known. His skill on the field, his [s]partying[/s] social nature, his active involvement in his classes, and his clear disdain for the spoiled brats at Hollywood University have made him many friends as well as enemies. His contempt for certain types of Hollywood personalities did have one benefit though. It strengthened his appreciation for people like his parents, which allowed them to begin mending their relationship over the previous summer break. [/indent] [color=bcf5a9][b]Extra;[/b][/color] [indent]Gary Oldman[/indent][hr][/hider] [/quote] Hm, I do not see anything wrong with your character and I had already addressed the center code malfunction. But anyways, character is accepted and you may place him in the character tab whenever you are ready. :) [quote=@AcerRo] Are they any openings left? I'm into the idea of this. [/quote] There sure is. And thanks! :D