This guy was right, this situation suddenly turned on the tables big time. As it stood holding this form for him indeed was rather difficult and Jenso seemed to be reaching his limit. To make maters worse, this guy seemed to get even tankier and was putting them with there backs against the wall. Sure he could easily escape this, but then what? There wasn't many choices left here and seeing how Jenso was ready to charge in he figured he might as well back him with everything he had. Jeff's eyes opened and flashed blue once more and his power spiked again with him aiming both of his gauntlets out towards Sera and wind gathered into both of his arm cannons causing them expand almost dangerously. [h2][color=fff79a] "Sage Boosted, Double Barrel Wind Cannon!" [/color][/h2] Jeff's voice echoed loudly as he fired out two huge and highly compressed blasts of wind that had the power to tear through metal with ease. 'lets see how it handles my best attack'