[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ETCUzUf.png[/img][/center] The bound woman let out a slight whimper as the rope was tightened for that request and decided to simply try and follow the other woman a bit faster. Seeing Cait like this would be so ... so embarassing. But she was going to lose anyways, wasn't she? Aislinn shook her head, deciding instead to focus on walking forward and not falling over the rope that prevented her from moving too quickly. The native watched Charlotte stretch with a little bit of envy, standing there awkwardly as she waited for the other woman to finish. Her own arms were starting to feel strain from being behind her back for so long in an unnatural position. But eventually the pair began moving again and the smaller woman focused on their path. The girl was a little surprised when they arrived at their destination as she was left outside the entrance to the small cave. Though when Cait's name was called out she tried to hide in a futile manner as the older native walked out of the cavern and rubbed her eyes as she looked at Charlotte as if she just finished taking an afternoon nap. [color=orangered]"Hi Charlo-"[/color] The girl's sentence was cut off midway as she looked over at Aislinn's predicament with the rope and how the black haired girl was holding it. At first she gave the alchemist a slightly confused or disgusted look but that quickly almost changed to one to admiration as the native seemed to think about the degree of efficency such a technique had. [color=orangered]"I see you met another of my people. Well I err ... how did you two end up like this?"[/color] Caitriona seemed a little confused as she looked between the two. She already knew Aislinn was looking for her and likely knew why, but to see Charlotte holding a rope that bound the other woman made the experience odd. [color=orangered]"Not that I think it's a terrible idea, but this is new to me. Care to explain?"[/color] Aislinn whimpered a little but Caitriona shot her a practiced critical look that told her to be silent. The black haired woman would also start to notice at this point that Cait's general posture was just more [i]aggressive[/i] than normal, with her face starting to flush and her normally multicolored hair gaining a slightly more blue tint to it as Aislinn's changed to a slight pink. Both of them were breathing more heavily as they looked eachother in the eye in some sort of dominance competition that bard was obviously winning.