[@Zero Hex] Offset by his total lack of brainpower. Were he some sort of genius it may be problematic, but as it stands, it takes a bit of concentration to actually pull anything off. It's not exactly something he can do on a moment's notice. I'd say it's also reasonable for his strength to be limited by his own physical and mental endurance - so chucking a car, while possible, is a one-time thing and he's completely spent. As such, rapid successive strikes are the way to go with him. Anything moving fast will also take him down a notch easily, as will close range detonation of projectiles that don't actually touch him before exploding. I'd say that a lot of the characters in the RP can kick his ass fairly easily at the moment. I can go ahead and edit the CS to reflect his endurance and planning requirements if that'd help. Edit: Long story short, gotta see something to catch it. Edit edit: Tweaked CS for clarification.