[quote=@Vilageidiotx] So yeh, I agree with the idea that a balance should exist, but I have doubts that a perfect balance can really be achieved, and I am afraid the push against the use of the term is going too far in the other direction.[/quote] I mean I'm assuming you don't mean "the push against the use of the term" to mean, like, ANY pushback. Because we certainly need SOME pushback. I'll concede that plenty of people are taking it way too far -- and if I sound defensive on that point, it's because [i]in today's climate, even people who dare say "that's not that racist" are themselves declared racist.[/i] Which is goes into my first post in the thread, about this being a wretched choice of topic title -- simply by uttering the word 'race' in 2017, one has already stacked the deck. THAT'S the thing that needs to die. Not the subject of racism itself, but the automated gnashing of digital teeth that accompanies its discussion. Clearly, I haven't figured out a way to slay that dragon yet, but when I come up with something I'll lead with that instead of boo-hooing for some shitty youtube 15-minutes-of-douchebaggery. [quote]Well, let's be honest though ... They both said shit meant to make their own bases angry at the other side. [/quote] If we're being honest, they both seemed to say shit meant to make their opponent's base angry at themselves. :what [quote]I'm not going to defend Hillary Clinton though. I don't want to have to do that.[/quote] This conversation gets way more fun for me if we talk about DNC chair candidates instead. [quote][url=http://i.imgur.com/QyrL424.jpg]Oh dear...[/url][/quote] Point well taken. I'm from New York so my experience is essentially the polar opposite of everything you said -- so I'm arbitrarily calling it a draw. A shitty, depressing draw. [quote]I always thought the Christian bakery thing was kinda funny because selling cakes to gays isn't exactly a sin, biblically speaking. That being said, in this case we are talking about a backlash receiving a backlash, or else, an attempt to publicly stand against something receiving a public stand against it. Hell, even the bathroom bill is mostly just silly virtue signally (goddam that word). So some virtue signalling got virtue signaled against. That's politics in the 21st century.[/quote] Politics in the 21st century make me want to live in the dark ages.