Micah I smirk lightly at her "I've been invited to seventeen schools similar to this shit-hole in the last year, I came because I thought it'd be fun, I know that I'm one of about ten of the most important investments at this school, and I know you would lose about 45% of your "anonymous donations" if I was expelled I know that those donations will be redirected to the next school I attend. With almost half of your donation proceeds absent, some cuts will have to be made. I know that the council will seriously consider your abilities as headmistress if you remove a student as promising as I am on the first day, for the act of requesting a staff member to smile. And above all else, you and I both know that my family and I are a very dangerous enemy to have. So, with that being said, may I be shown to my room by someone with the ability to smile, or do I need to make a phone-callto high councilmen Stubbe."