[@Awson] [s]Nah, because I'm a cheap bastard. :D[/s] Just glancing at the people's review and a lot of people call it a dumbed down version/or Hollywood-ised version of the story. Does that make them wrong for having an opinion? When your opinion is you liked the movie and didn't mind the changes? I don't think either of you are wrong/"don't know what the other is talking about" because as a piece of medium, someone may like what others don't. There's nothing wrong with that... And just for the record, I've seen people with pictures and avatars for shows they've never seen or games they never played. It doesn't actually hold a lot of weight. x3 I don't care in the slightest about the "white washing" or the things that it was attacked for before the movie came out. I just don't think that particular director has made a good movie. And I kind of figured it HAD to be dumbed down, in an hour and a half. It's the kind of series I don't think I'd want to watch an abridged version of, honestly. It's just my personal opinion. It is -not- the same as everyone's else's. :P Also from reading about it. (As it turns out, this is a movie about a Japanese girl kidnapped against her will and transformed into an American actress.) Wut? And does anyone [b]really[/b] want to watch an origin story? I'm happy marvel spiderman movie coming out, ISN'T an origin story...like remakes, reboots, origin stories tend to feel like been there, done that. (Yes, most people say that but I'd argue for good reason. xP)