Looking up Yumi let out a small smile the gusion was shaping up quite nicely its inner frame was built and she was starting to attach the armor pieces onto it's rotund legs was done and Yumi was slowly starting to work her way up. "She has a point for any gunpla builder or fighter there is little to beat the chance to visit let alone learn in a place like NIelson labs." Yumi said in agreement to what Jessica asked as she kept working on the gusion. "Go beyond the impossible and kick reason to the curb!" Seems to be the philosophy of the current Meijin Yumi added. She seen him only once and that was when she won the tournament when he was handing her the trophy. When he said something similar to that. "Yup she is our magic puppeteer" Sakuya said looking at the bearguys of Dani's the idea was genius and it was great to see it in action of course Dani was a special kind of genius one that she was glad to say was her friend. "Though Dani isnt the only one who has been busy I been involved with improving the AI level of the battle systems. Sadly these improvements wont be seen for awhile." Sakuya stated with a sigh as she mentioned that part it was her greatest moment through hard study and research she managed to allow the AI to evolve and adapt to situations rather than a set computer generated set of moves. It was practically human like in its actions and movements and sadly was not ready yet for public use.