[@Mr Allen J] I am chill, just having a civil discussion and presenting my point of view. It wouldn't be godmodding so much as just being generally able to trivialize melee characters on touch and force them out of an engagement combined with all the other great and fun uses of the powerset. I assume no GM would just allow the power to be used in order to, say, instantly collapse a ribcage but it's still kinda written that way and that leaves plenty of room for things to get out of hand. [@Savo] That's nice and all but uh, it's a touch thing. Like, as written all he had to do was step in and touch someone, without any particular force or effort just touch, and it was an instant Team Rocket for the opponent. Is it invincible? No, not really, but being able to make melee all but a non-issue on touch isn't exactly grand. Especially for the genre. Like, it's on a lesser scale no doubt about it, but this power is part of what lets Oda treat Bartholomew Kuma as a walking plot device in One Piece. [@Azereiah] Not particularly, just for it not to read like an instant "not my problem" button for melee that works on touch. Last edit seems pretty good on that end, maybe something about how Channelers aren't affected by full force without extra effort and focus? Sorry about the hassle, especially since it's not really up to me. I just voice my own concerns and opinions. On that note, it's not that I assume things so much that as it was written, which is what anyone has to go for, that's what it seemed like.