Hearing another spell be announced forced Logan to focus. He brought his bat up in a defensive positional and called out his own incantation. [color=f7941d]"MAGUS SCUTUM! (Magician Shield)"[/color] Causing a blue rune on the side of the bat to light up before projecting out a large shield shaped semi-transparent wall of blue energy. Logan thought he had nullified her attack, but he hadn't accounted for the sheer amount of slashes that were going to be dealt. The barrier soon cracked, signalling that it wasn't going to be enough. But if he tried to run the shield would drop anyways. Logan opted to try to hold out, which the nervous expression on his face hinted that he wished there was another option. The cracks in the barrier had grown, and within seconds it failed entirely. Logan knew it was only a matter of time, so he tried to time in dodge to be as soon as it failed. But unfortunately before it could make it out he suffered three more cuts. One to his shoulder, another to his forearm, and finally one to his lower right side. Logan was able to keep to his feet despite the damage, powering on to use his counter attack. [color=f7941d]"I love a girl who can make me bleed ya know."[/color] He spat out with a sarcastic chuckle as he prepared his next spell as fast as possible. Logan tossed up two more energy balls and struck them with his bat. Sending them soaring towards Raiya. Despite it looking like he was just trying to hit her with two attacks, the reality of his spell was much more complicated. One of the balls suddenly detonated mid-flight into a bright flashbang. But the other carried on, missing Raiya and as soon as it passed her, Logan used it as another teleportation relay to put him in back of her. Logan's bat was already charged with a orange concussive rune to inflict more damage as he took a swing at her right side.