Nero eyed Sult, as she kept kneeling before the shrine of Reon, a silent prayer escaping the lips of the youngest of all Sunfiels. In front of her, a small burning flower. She had one in front of hers aswell. Her lips were moving aswell, following her younger sister's lead. [i]Heh. I suppose that your intentions this time were genuine. There's so much one can fool around isn't it.[/i] The elder of the twins let out a thin smile as she redoubled her efforts in praying. [i]Well, I am glad you have got my back. We will probably need it.[/i] Nero thought to herself, after recapping all the ruckus up until this point. Some of the darkest ghosts of the Kingdom were refusing to give up, and still haunt peace after the ages. And on top of that, there was the ruckus with the elf knight. Even if she was quite the unruly one, losing veteran talent always hurt before the battle. [i]I may have to call for that demon armor if things get really tight. But I'd rather learn this kind of magic and stand on my own.[/i] She added as both of them finished at the same time. Which prompted an smile from both. Almost as if they were one, both looked to each side, eyeing up the shrine for cues before returning.