[h3]Falke, Main Gates[/h3] Cain sat silently atop the gate's watchtower, watching the strange woman and her golem converse with the golden warrior, he then glanced over as another woman hid under a thick brown cloak walked up to them, he couldn't hear what was being said but was busy trying to remember where he'd seen her before. Cain then recalled her as the woman who'd clashed with the golden knight earlier, he'd guessed she was either demanding an apology but given the current events of today Cain wasn't really placing much stock in the obvious being the case. Behind the robed woman was the huntress with the claw hands, it took significantly less time for Cain to place her due to this very obvious characteristic. Whatever they were planning was irrelevant at this point, if they paid Cain he would come along but his goal at this point was to get some answers on that golem from earlier. The woman in control of it was certainly exotic which led Cain to believe more would be at play here than previously though, employers sometimes made him jump through hoops prior to a job to see what he could do but this had no real guarantee of anything and was a random act that concluded as soon as it began. Cain looked up at the sky, dawn was fading, his usual time was approaching. They were leaving so it was now or never if he wanted to get answers. Like a cat, Cain began gracefully scaling down the tower where he would then meet with those who had caused him no end of grief today. As he neared the bottom of the main gate, sticking to the side so he wouldn't drop directly in front of the party.