Hi folks, I'm interested. I've read your themes/character sheets, and think I can make a character that fits in quite well. I'll mock up a character sheet when I get home from work in a few hours, but for now I'll toss out a concept and see if people like it. Concept: Terran nurse/paramedic from the worst part of the slums in a sprawling metropolis overrun with increasingly dangerous strains of malaria. Due to the climate change, insect carriers of the virus are now present in most major cities on the planet. Health professionals rush constantly to develop clever new antidotes, but the sheer number of carriers means that new strains emerge every year. Overwhelmed with the constant death and having zero prospects for earning enough money to get out of the slums, the only way that the character sees a way out for his family is to hitch a ride off-world and send money home as remittances in the hope that his parents/siblings can save up enough to escape off-world. The dense smog and air pollution and an accident with acidic inhalants while younger has left him with permanent lung damage, leading to the need for almost constant use of a respirator. Personality-wise gritty, streetsmart, but with a big heart that he can never seem to satisfy no matter how much he gives. Plenty of the gnawing emptiness that you mention in your themes. =) I'm pretty sure there's some writing samples in my post history - I've been hoping for a slowburning RP that doesn't dry up and vanish almost instantly, so if that's what y'all got going on I'd love to join. Cheers!