[CENTER][h1][color=slategray][b]F I V E R ( W. I. P.)[/b][/color][/h1][hr][h3][sup][sup][color=silver]A L A N S T R O U D [color=slategray]◼[/color] 1 / 29 / 1999 ( 1 8 ) [color=slategray]◼[/color] M A L E [color=slategray]◼[/color] M U N D A N E[/color][/sup][/sup][/h3][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/46/12/f5/4612f599ea6a2e2f446861c41a792b6b.gif[/img] [sup][color=silver]"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed."[/color][/sup][/CENTER] [COLOR=SLATEGRAY][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]▼ A P P E A R A N C E:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][CENTER][IMG]http://24.media.tumblr.com/fe9c04cb2faf41414390d8c4a03de151/tumblr_n3dwqjDWc51t8j15go1_500.gif[/IMG][/CENTER][CENTER][sup][color=silver]"I'm working on my Doctorate, I really don't have time to care about appearances."[/color][/sup][/CENTER][INDENT][INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][indent][b][color=CADETBLUE]//STATS:[/color][/b] [indent][B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ HEIGHT |[/COLOR][/B] [i]5'7"[/i] [B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ WEIGHT |[/COLOR][/B] [i]137 lbs.[/i] [B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ BUILD |[/COLOR][/B] [i]Slim and nonathletic.[/i] [B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ HAIR COLOR |[/COLOR][/B] [i]Brown.[/i] [B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ EYE COLOR |[/COLOR][/B] [i]Brown.[/i] [B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ 'Fiver' Exo-Suit Adjustments |[/COLOR][/B] [i]While inside the 'Fiver' Exo-Suit, Alan stands at roughly 8 feet tall, and jumps to 567 lbs. His voice is modulated heavily to hide his identity, deepening it to an intimidating bass.[/i] [center][img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/5fe4b1b85f1d9d3cd0acce581e5f41a7/tumblr_nm8iioHOSn1txrzruo1_500.gif[/img][/center][/indent] [b][color=CADETBLUE]//DESCRIPTION:[/color][/b] [indent][i]His brown hair a barely contained mess, brown eyes bearing deep purple bags from too late nights at the lab, and skin pale from lack of exposure to the outdoors; haphazard proves an apt description of how Alan appears on a day to day basis. Appearing skinny and far too overworked for someone of his age, the trials of academic achievement show plainly on his otherwise young face. Alan carries himself with a sort of nervous, jittery energy that keeps him in a constant state of movement. His mind never stops working, never stops racing, and as such neither does Alan. When working, Alan's rapid movements carry with them the quiet intensity of a man who will never let a problem go unsolved. Alan can be caught wearing whatever is the most comfortable. Sweatshirts, loose pants, torn-up sneakers, and an array of white shirts stained with grease, it proves obvious that Alan has better things to think about than his appearance. However, when it comes to his Exo-Suit, however, the PHD student takes extreme pride in its upkeep and maintenance. [/i][/indent][/indent] [COLOR=SLATEGRAY][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]▼ B I O G R A P H Y:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][CENTER][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/888b8547ef92d9dce4f20920522d3446/tumblr_mu1virWPKw1qhpoofo3_r1_500.gif[/img] [sup][color=silver]"I'm not a fan of my old life, so I'm building a better one."[/color][/sup][/CENTER][indent][indent][i]This is the story of your character's life, their defining moments nd how they made it from the womb to where they are now. You can include as much other details as you think is necessary but don't go overboard and spell everything out. Sometimes its best to show through the IC than to tell in the CS.[/i][/indent][/indent] [COLOR=SLATEGRAY][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][CENTER][sup][color=silver]"Give me some scrap metal and a welder's torch, and I'll build you the impossible."[/color][/sup][/CENTER][indent][indent][i][/i]What is driving your character? What makes them tick? Why do they act the way they do.[/indent][/indent] [COLOR=SLATEGRAY][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][CENTER][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/51b8a8f4fce909159048868dc31ec324/tumblr_o30orfXfg21u10jf6o4_r1_400.gif[/img] [sup][color=silver]"No more prototypes, no more test trials. It's time show them what I can do."[/color][/sup][/CENTER][indent][b][color=CADETBLUE]//ABILITIES:[/color][/b] [indent][B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ HUMAN |[/COLOR][/B] [i]Alan is a human through and through. His skin can't stop bullets, he can't kill people with his mind, and he can't fling fire from his fingertips. If he gets sloppy or stupid, he will die. However, with this mortality, comes the knowledge and perspective necessary to make a mark with the limited time he has.[/i][/indent] [b][color=CADETBLUE]//SKILLS:[/color][/b] [indent][B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ GENIUS |[/COLOR][/B] [i]Alan's intelligence, especially within his specialty of computer science, robotics, and engineering, is far above that of anyone his age. He is a pioneer in his field, extremely creative and innovative, and able to puzzle out solutions to complex problems at a rapid pace. An inventor and one of the top thinker's in his generation, Alan's mind is truly his greatest weapon.[/i][/indent] [indent][B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ ENGINEER |[/COLOR][/B] [i]Bearing an innate understanding of how machines work, only bolstered by his years studying, Alan is a master of all things mechanical. Field repairs, gadgeteering, invention, mathematical application, all such fall within the realm of his expertise.[/i][/indent] [indent][B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ COMPUTER SCIENCE |[/COLOR][/B] [i]Coding, and its unpleasant bedfellow hacking, is a subject that Alan is intimately familiar with. Though engineering is his true passion, he is no slouch in this field either, creating advanced programs that push the boundaries of interactive computing programs.[/i][/indent] [indent][B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ EXO-SUIT PILOT |[/COLOR][/B] [i]The inventor and first pilot of his cutting-edge 'Fiver' exo-suit, Alan has spent many hours in simulation and in the field piloting his machine. To him, it is almost an extension of his own body.[/i][/indent] [b][color=CADETBLUE]//LIMITATIONS:[/color][/b] [indent][B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ CHARGE LEVEL |[/COLOR][/B] [i]Though its power source is efficient, it is limited. Currently, the 'Fiver' exo-suit can sustain seven hours of operation before a recharge is needed. Dependent on where this power is allocated, the operational time can be lengthened or shortened.[/i][/indent] [b][color=CADETBLUE]//WEAKNESSES:[/color][/b] [indent][B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ HEMOPHILIA |[/COLOR][/B] [i]A disease that prevent's his blood from clotting, if Alan sustains an injury there is a serious chance that he might bleed out. The 'Fiver' suit has some redundancies and automated functions to help mitigate this factor, however this still remains a serious issue, especially if Alan engages in combat outside of his suit.[/i][/indent][/indent] [indent][B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ OVERLOAD |[/COLOR][/B] [i]A mechanical weakness of the Fiver suit that infuriates Alan, if the suit is over-exposed to an electrical current, it will initiate a manual restart which leaves the suit and its wearer vulnerable for a full minute.[/i][/indent] [indent][B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ ONLY HUMAN |[/COLOR][/B] [i]Alan is human through and through. The number of ways he can be injured or killed are nearly innumerable.[/i][/indent] [COLOR=SLATEGRAY][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]▼ N O T E S:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][indent][b][color=CADETBLUE]//SUPPORTING CAST:[/color][/b] [indent][B][COLOR=SILVER]▼ ALLIES[/COLOR][/B] [indent][B][COLOR=WHITESMOKE]◼ [I]H.I.T. |[/I][/COLOR][/B] [i]Test[/i][/indent] [B][COLOR=SILVER]▼ FRIENDS[/COLOR][/B] [indent][B][COLOR=WHITESMOKE]◼ [I]TBD |[/I][/COLOR][/B] [i]Test[/i][/indent] [B][COLOR=SILVER]▼ ENEMIES[/COLOR][/B] [indent][B][COLOR=WHITESMOKE]◼ [I]TBD |[/I][/COLOR][/B] [i]Test[/i][/indent][/indent] [b][color=CADETBLUE]//STOMPING GROUNDS[/color][/b] [indent][B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ Slater University and Institute of Technology |[/COLOR][/B] [i]Located in Larissa, this school is where Alan currently resides and works.[/i][/indent] [b][color=CADETBLUE]//PARAPHERNALIA[/color][/b] [indent][B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ THE 'FIVER' EXO-SUIT |[/COLOR][/B] [hider][img]http://news.toyark.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2014/03/Play-Arts-Kai-Appleseed-Alpha-Briareos-Hecatonchires-001.jpg[/img][/hider] [i]Named, perhaps ironically, after Alan's favorite character in 'Watership Down', the Fiver exo-suit is a metal epidermis which protects the wearer from harm and enhances the pilot's physical attributes. The augments are as listed: [list][*]Enhanced Durability- The safety of its pilot its ultimate concern, the power armor contains incredibly thick outer plates which can endure all standard issue pistol, shotgun, assault-rifle, sub-machine gun, and sniper rifle fire. It takes specialized weaponry, ammo, or explosives to actually make a dent in this walking tent. [*]Enhanced Strength- The Fiver armor augments the pilot's strength to an impressive degree. It can crash through walls, bend beams of steel, carry cars, stop trucks, leap tall buildings in a few bounds, and break enemy combatants with ease. [*]Enhanced Speed- Bearing a set of thrusters to boost its speed in order to compensate for its large size, the Fiver suit is capable of impressive speeds when its power is properly allocated. [*]Operational Assistant- An interactive computational program designed by Alan himself, 'Hazel' as he has named it, assists Alan with aiming procedures, data gathering, and numerous other activities required for the suit to operate at peak capacity. [*]Communication array- Located in Fiver's 'ears', the exo-suit has full communication ability and a visual display in order to relay available or necessary information. [*]Anti-Hyperhuman measures- It's creation funded by H.I.T.'s military and scientific interests, the exo-suit has numerous anti-hype measures incorporated into its chassis ranging from tasers, to tranquilizers, to sonic deterrents in order to non-lethally subdue empowered subjects. If lethality is necessary, the power armor comes equipped with the MK. 7 'Elephant Gun'. A heavily modified sniper rifle so heavy that only someone in the Fiver suit could lift it, this weapon can tear through most modern day armor and vehicles with ease. It also comes equipped with a specially built combat knife for close-quarters-encounters, and a number of explosive ordinances if the target proves especially difficult to restrain. [*]Biolock and Bio-metric measures- The only aspect of the Fiver suit that Alan did not design himself, the powered armor is keyed to only power on when Alan's specific bio-signature is recognized. Additionally, should Alan somehow sustain an injury while inside the armor, he can specify the area of injury and the suit will attempt to apply measures to prevent bleed out. This will not fix the issue, simply buy Alan a few more minutes before he has to exit the suit and seek medical aid.[/list][/i][/indent][/indent]