[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ETCUzUf.png[/img][/center] The native blinked at Charlotte. Breaking the laws of nature? How? It seemed to be a very natural process to Caitriona. [color=orangered]"My strands? Our hair can be applied to various artistic means ... Remember how we spoke to the animals last night after I sung? That is one example of what I can do. Aislinn is a painter and can use a sort of paint to ... enhance ... a person's abilities somewhat. You should ask her if you want to know more."[/color] The way Cait spoke about such things indicated a degree of nervousness about Aislinn's powers, although not out of some sort of reverence. Instead, she pointed to her own hair. [color=orangered]"It absorbs the energy of latent spirits in the world around it. Didn't I give you some to work with?"[/color] The girl with multicolored hair looked over at the black haired girl curiously, wondering how much she'd managed to figure out or do with it.