[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Qz3Gw8a.png[/img][/center] [color=bc8dbf][h3][center]~Charlotte LaChance~[/center][/h3][/color] [hr] Enhance a persons abilities? Now that was something Charlotte was [i]very[/i] interested in. Hrm. Now she was wishing Aislinn had been a bit more forthcoming about her reason for coming here. Maybe she could have made a trade of sorts. Got Cait out of her hair and maybe her mitts on something that she could use for research. Too late now though, but she was going to make sure Aislinn knew of her annoyance just to make herself feel all warm and fuzzy. She'd ask after speaking with Cait. More importantly...spirits? [color=bc8dbf]"Spirits? As in...ghosts?"[/color] Charlotte said with a frown, having to stop herself from laughing. [color=bc8dbf]"That's...completely absurd. Spirits and such do not exist, at least after all the years of research at the tower nothing has suggested that they do."[/color] She walked back over to the table where she kept her things, moving a few containers around until she found one with a pink-ish colored liquid that was all that was left of her final test. [color=bc8dbf]"The things I learn from testing are purely science related, not theoretical. For example, your kind lacks testosterone completely. Or at least, it has traces so small that I can't detect it with my limited equipment here. Secondly, your people tend to be much shorter than mine. Could possibly create some sort of shrinking serum from it...oh, and your people essence, or at least your hairs, is closest to fire. It would be fairly good at using in some more...unstable potions. Explosives and such, as well as a few heating aids."[/color] She swirled the liquid in the container, before setting it back down. [color=bc8dbf]"I could potentially detect something else with stronger equipment, but for the most part Alchemy does not deal with spirits or the occult."[/color] Walking back to the entrance of the cave, she looked over to where Aislinn was still tied up. [color=bc8dbf]"Though, I have read that perhaps there's a form of it that could deal with such things, but I've never seen it."[/color] Charlotte said with a shrug. [color=bc8dbf]"Don't plan to...at least, not anytime soon. Now, if there's nothing else I have work to do and I want to talk with Aislinn a bit."[/color]