[hider=Brooks Lockwood] [hider=Large Image] [img] https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/Qb6a2xiIpl5TJeLhtld6Xw--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjtzbT0xO3c9NzQ0O2g9NDU0/http://media.zenfs.com/en/homerun/feed_manager_auto_publish_494/6b76436e344275b7b0b729c78e574437[/img] [/hider] Full Name: Brooks Lockwood Nicknames/Aliases: Age: 50 Gender: Male Species: Werewolf SCION Team/Rank: Senior Member of Thunder Moon Description: [indent]Brooks stands at around 5’10 with a stocky figure and a rotund belly. His hair is a darkish brown, but the roots are starting to shine silver with age. His face is lined with age and darkened with a layer of grime and dirt; from behind his dark, bushy brows Brooks’ brown eyes are usually squinted against the harsh sunlight, and a short greying beard does little to hide the habitual scowl on his face. His calloused palms and stubby nails are the hands of a labourer. He has a scattering of scars and marks on his body that he has accumulated throughout his working life.[/indent] Personality: [indent]Brooks is a hardened life veteran with very little patience for stupidity. He has a sharp tongue and a short temper, often wary of strangers with little regard to social etiquette or manners. Whilst he is unafraid of conflict, Brooks’ aggression is held back by his level-headedness and common sense. He knows how to pick his battles and is very aware of his limits. He carries himself with stoicism and tends to show very little visible emotion aside from general annoyance. For Brooks, law and virtue are less of a necessity - you could do anything you like if you could get away with it without being caught. He still operates under his own strict set of morals though, quick to be disapproving or to congratulate people for doing what he saw as ‘the right thing’. Brooks wouldn’t describe himself as the smartest through books but he has a lot of wisdom to dispense if needed.[/indent] [b]Skills:[/b] [indent]Endurance: Brooks may not be the strongest nor the fastest, but he can certainly take a punch. He can fight for very long periods of time and his transformations, even though they take as long as everyone else’s, tend to be less taxing on his body. Experienced: After 10 years of SCION work and decades of beating people up for money, Brooks has learnt how to keep calm under pressure, read a situation and offer his two cents when necessary.[/indent] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] [indent]No Filter: Brooks is quick to anger and even quicker to speak his mind. He’s a generally dislikeable person and doesn’t get along well with other people as a result...which isn’t the best quality to have as a werewolf. Technologically inept: Brooks can barely handle his smartphone and that’s about it. All the advanced, high-tech machinery that SCION has access to continues to baffle and annoy him. He tends to keep his distance from the world of technology and trusts in SCION’s researchers to tell him what to do.[/indent] [b]Brief History:[/b] Brooks Lockwood got his name on the register when he was bitten aged twenty-five. Before then, he was just a shitty accountant working in downtown Boston; the supernatural strength and speed that came with his ‘dog bite’ allowed him to shift into less-than-legal debt collections, hired by people who either didn’t posses the strength or time for the effort themselves. He also took on a smattering of jobs as a bouncer for nightclubs and bars but couldn’t keep a proper job down due to taking sick leave every month, on the month - no exceptions. As the years passed, Brooks built himself a reputation. His track record of successful (albeit legally questionable) jobs were enough to dissuade the rumours about his lycanthropy. However, just as things were starting to look up for Brooks now that he had a stable income and a good use for his skills, fate threw a curveball. Margery Harlow, a young seamstress in Boston, was one of Brooks’ many clientele from his early days. She couldn’t pay well but made up for it by keeping in touch with the man and finding the time to send gifts and new clothes - especially useful given the number of shirts he ripped by transforming. A few months into his new line of work, Margery sent a rather cryptic note saying she knows about his ‘condition’ and that they should meet up in person, as soon as possible. Now, Margery was hardly a werewolf expert but as one of the few experienced witches in the scummier parts of Boston she knew that having an untrained bitten werewolf playing debt collector was a recipe for disaster. She couldn’t teach him much when it came to controlling his transformations, but she could drug him up with enough elixirs to make him almost harmless and slowly work with him to control himself. That’s how things were for a long time - Brooks kept to his job, hardly transforming unless it was a life-or-death situation (and, in most cases, it wasn’t) and then taking a week or so each month to visit the witch of Boston and work on his lycanthropy. He didn’t like her sleazy conman of a boyfriend, and especially didn’t like him when he vanished and left Margery pregnant. Brooks was 29 when Abigail was born. Brooks was 37 when Margery’s letters started to include more and more about an ongoing illness that has been persisting after the birth of her daughter. Desperate, alone and dying, Margery practically begged Brooks to look after her child if anything should happen to her. Brooks decided he owed her that much and, no more than a year later, he went to her funeral. All of a sudden he found himself face-to-face with a little 8 year old who he’s witnessed first-hand casting all sorts of jinxes and spells just for shits and giggles, unaware of the severity of her actions. Brooks’ job could just about get him by, but children were expensive. He needed a stable income and a proper job, but given his ferocity as a werewolf he didn’t trust himself in a bank job. Luckily he didn’t have to look for long - SCION found him pretty quickly based on his reputation and he signed up 10 years ago at it’s creation. The two of them moved to a small town somewhat close to HQ, to an isolated cottage in the woods where Abigail could get an education from the local school and practice her spells to her heart’s content - somewhere with a basement and easy access to hunting gear and bear traps just in case Brooks’ transformations went awry. He wasn’t the strongest wolf in SCION, but he was one of the more aggressive ones and definitely the oldest. He watched SCION members come and go. He’s been called out to more missions than he can count. He never took team leader position because he didn’t work too well with others, but that didn’t mean he didn’t get enough experience to do it if he wanted to. When Abigail joined SCION a year ago, there was a slight change in the way Brooks behaved during missions - he went more on the defensive and seemed a bit more interested in self-preservation than he was before. The two of them antagonise each other in the HQ in a friendly father-daughter way. [/hider]