Hearing the twang of the bowstring, the creature stood up from it's hunched position saving it's life. For the arrow would have struck true, but instead it bit into the fur that lined her shoulders. Blood seeped down her back as the woman-wolf stiffed a yelp of pain. Noise would surely attract more. Though she bared her teeth in the direction it was shot from. Giving a deepened growl, she fled through the brush with the loping stride of the wolves. Though her wounded leg protested with flashes of sharp pain, infection was setting in and there was little she could do about the problem. The Tall Walkers- Man- always seemed to cause problems. Be they shouting and cast fire about to drive her away, or to throw their sticks and stones. Few had even egged on their dogs- unfortunately the dogs had returned if a bit bloodied by her rough spear and fangs. Spilling over a log, the wolf-being did give a bark of pain as she skidded across the ground. She did not remain so prone however, had the Tall Walker given chase or no. Best to be far, far away before more came with their sticks and stones. Before they sought to put her on their walls or in their fires. A wolf would rather flee than face the possibility of injury, so did she. The wolfen fur and hide that covered her in a rough armor buffeted the branches and brush that slapped at her as she dashed through the forest into the slight clearing. Well did the wolf know mountains lay beyond it's stream bed and one could not follow so easily over rock. She did not expect two of the Two-legs there. One in colors like a bright bird, the other glinting with the early morning's cursed sun. The Sun was her enemy in this, Men were not so numerous in the time of the Moon. But to Andre and Kiyanna they would see a odd creature, perhaps something that looked so very human yet so very wolf. Even as Cassandra would have seen for a split second. Standing a bit less than average height. Covered in a mix of furs and hides. Roughly made tunic, and breeches. The covering on her arms and legs tied close to her skin. On her back a small set of javelins the tips fire hardened. A tail hung from her, and her head was covered by the mask of a wolf. From the ears to the tip of it's nose, but where the lower jaw would be a human's. The teeth bared in a snarl. From her shoulder was an arrow, the fur about it bloodied. Panting she shifted her shoulder and peered behind her to check for pursuit. A brief moment. Before she began to pace a wide arc about the two, angling towards the mountains in the distance. While they were in a valley technically surrounded by mountains, these were the closest. Nearing a spot in the brush, she ducked into the thick foliage, if Cassandra was close behind she would run forgoing her stealth. But if the Tall Walker that shot at her was not so close behind she would slip amongst the brush, hiding herself away. Biding her time to try and throw the Hunters off her trail. Her preferred hiding spot a thick bush of thorns and good cover. Something where she could try to dislodge the biting stick. [@XxLyraxX] [@Valor] [@Kidd] [@Inertia]