[quote=@BrobyDDark] He is exactly saying that...yes. He says he doesn't want to hear things you've heard from other people without having seen the movie. It doesn't make your opinion mean anything when you say "I heard...I read...I thought..." with no actual knowledge or opinion formed from having seen the thing you're talking about. [/quote] [quote=@Awson] Yes, that would be a very stimulating discussion. [/quote] [@BrobyDDark] Correct me if I'm wrong but, I sense a hint of sarcasm in his desire to discuss it if I have any negative opinions... And it's not a blind opinion, I know the directors previous work. But I have a sneaking suspicion he DOESN'T want ANY conversation. If I saw the movie or not...because the very post itself is talking about "people who don't know what they're talking about" <-those people that saw the movie. Also I really don't see a fucking point in posting something, and then bite back at people who comments...seems really, really dumb. Maybe not the person to ask here. But why are so many people seemly so antisocial on this forum? :P The whole point of forums is to socialize...