[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ETCUzUf.png[/img][/center] Cait frowned as the other woman talked, calling her beliefs absurd and hardly even considering their existence. The native let Charlotte finish talking without interruption, and although the woman moderated towards the end of her rant she still seemed to discredit the idea of the world have life aside from that which could be viewed. The orange haired girl eventually responded to the other woman as she left with a joking voice. [color=orangered]"A-animals do [i]not[/i] talk!"[/color] A bit more cheerfully she wrapped up her words as the black haired woman left. [color=orangered]"Enjoy your conversation, but try to keep an open mind and you won't be surprised."[/color] With that, Cait would leave the cave for a bit and go for a walk in the forest. Aislinn sat on the ground trying to get comfortable as she leaned against the tree that she was tied against. The position of her arms behind her back made that nearly impossible though as it was difficult to balance in her predicament. As Charlotte left the cave however, the tied up girl looked at the meat eater with wide eyes, backing away slightly as a little panic washed over her. Cait was leaving as well, which didn't make her feel any safer in these circumstances. Instinctually she whimpered like the trapped animal she was, but eventually she collected herself by the time Charlotte arrived. It wasn't as if the other woman was going to kill her or something ... right? Despite Charlotte's promises, she was still tied up against a tree in front of someone who consumed friends. It wasn't exactly a comforting combination.