[hider=Ialla Jhen] [center] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/0b/bb/06/0bbb063aa0c76d8aa2990289a74a5e65.jpg[/img] [h1]Ialla Jhen[/h1] [/center] [h2]Basic Information[/h2] [indent] Tier: Moderate Powers Titles: Mistweaver (prefix, replacing forename - Mistweaver Jhen) Age: 31 Gender: Female Race: Half-demon Occupation: Mercenary Height: 5'5" Build: Athletic Skin tone: Pale Eye colour: Gray Hair: Shaved on either side, tied back in the middle, black [/indent] [h2]Details and Background Information[/h2] [indent] [h3]Ialla - Psychological Description[/h3] Ialla is an efficient, methodical fighter with little care for who or what she fights for. She is the sort of person who does things as well as she can the first time (better that than to have to try again later), but who recognises there is rarely enough time for perfect. She prefers to bait her opponent into a trap, then cut them down before they are sure what is happening. Her method of doing things also causes her to dislike people who waste time - she has a particular hate for hagglers. If they can't afford her service, she says, they don't get it. She often also has difficulty trusting people. Friends have always seemed more trouble than they're worth to her, and she's always been capable enough on her own. The best thing you'll ever get from Ialla is respect, and that's tough to earn, but easily worth it - she's always been someone you want to be on the same side of. [h3]Ialla - Brief History[/h3] Alessana Jhen was a saint of the Ellorien Empire - a figure known throughout the land and many neighbouring ones for her deeds of courage and heroism. She had been married for a long time already, and soon became mother to Ialla. What she didn't know was that a shapeshifting demon had kidnapped and replaced Alessana's husband several months ago, draining the life force of both to remain corporeal, Alessana's constitution hiding the effects and healing her before the next draining. The demon, Triz'ata, was the father of Ialla. Obviously, upon Ialla's birth, things didn't go brilliantly. Investigation soon found Triz'ata's true identity, and his death was quick. Alessana's true husband was found dead the same day. Everything about Ialla was covered up, anything less would tarnish her mother's reputation. The child was declared a stillborn, and the husband murdered. People worldwide gave their sympathies to the unfortunate hero. Allessana was unwilling to simply destroy her child, regardless of the father. She had a close friend of hers, living in a rural location where they would not be found, look after her. Afraid but indebtted, they eventually agreed, but said that if anything "unnatural" happened, they would stop immediately. Ialla was brought up this way until the age of twelve, but Alessana's friend proved true to their word when something finally did happen - an otherworldly mist emanating from the child inexplicably. Ialla spent the remainder of her childhood on the streets, barely scraping together the food to live on, eventually resorting to crime. After a few years, when she was sixteen, her horns had grown too prominent to hide. She was forced to sleep during daytime and move only at night, where she would only be seen by the drunk and the stupid. She soon attracted the attention of someone entirely different, a teacher of sorts. By her adulthood, she had become an accomplished swordswoman. Her adult life was mostly spent travelling from country to country, selling her talents as a mercenary. Under one occasion, she met a strange figure who recognised her potential, and sold her the tattoos that cover her left arm. These allowed her to control her powers properly, which saved her life many times. Her reputation built massively, and now the guards know not to stop pale women with tattooed arms, horns and black swords when they walk into town. [/indent] [h2]Arena Information[/h2] [indent] [h3]Weapons and Gear[/h3] [list] [*]Blood Iron Sword - Ialla's sword is made from a powerful, magical material called Blood Iron. Made through a process which involves the intended user sacrrificing some of their blood, it is specifically attuned to one person. Ialla's sword will grow thorns around the handle when someone else tries to use it. When she uses it, she can hear the blood of those around her, making it almost impossible to hide. [*]Leather Armour - Just that: normal leather armour. About as much protection as is possible without hindering movement on some level. [*]Attuned Tattoos - These are designed to allow Ialla to control her magical abilities instead of them just occuring spontaneously. They have no effect of their own, but they make Ialla's natural abilities much more useful. When in use, they glow a faint, murky red. [/list] [h3]Skills and Special Abilities[/h3] [list] [*]Mistweaver - Ialla's signature spell is to create a thick cloud of mist that obscures vision, and dampens the local atmosphere enough to put out small flames (a candle but not a torch). Combining this with the blood-hearing from her sword creates a predator-prey situation that takes even seasoned warriors by surprise (often more so than novices), much to Ialla's amusement. [*]Abnormal Gravity - Ialla can slightly adjust the way gravity works to suit her. This is only for herself, she cannot directly affect others with this. She can use use it to jump abnormally high, stop and change direction in mid-air, and breal falls. [*]Sudden Step - Ialla can suddenly move a few steps in any direction, leaving a small cloud of mist where she left. This is irrelevant of any obstacles, but she cannot finish inside one and any objects she is holding or people touching are brought with her. Her favourite use of this spell is to run directly towards a melee combatant, then use it to cover the last spell so they engage her too slowly. [/list] [/indent] [/hider] Here she is, folks!