[color=ed1c24]"Eh..."[/color] Marlene listened to Hero, nodding as he explained he was going regardless. If that was the case, Marlene really couldn't let him go without her; If it was dangerous, a tough gal like her would surely come in handy. This guy was a traveler, according to Hero, but that could mean anything. A traveling bandit trying to take advantage of new Pokemon Trainers being one example in her head. She decided to offer the man the benefit of the doubt, before following after Hero, firmly placing her hand on his shoulder. [color=ed1c24]"Ah've got yer' back, you can count on me!"[/color] She said, determined obviously. [color=ed1c24]"C'mon, Mable!"[/color] Marlene called, hand soon releasing Hero's shoulder as they continued along. Noticing someone up ahead, she wondered if that was the guy... Nothing seemed too shady, but regardless, she kept her guard up.