[center][h1][color=686F91]Harry Walsh[/color][/h1] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/d03fc8a9229db3193e86bfc3b3c8b536/tumblr_nkhkysMc5r1uokpato5_540.gif[/img][/center][hr][center][b][color=686F91]Location:[/color][/b] Grand Continental Hotel[/center][hr] As he handed the criminal over to the authorities and explained his case to the Lord-Major, Harry let out a soft sigh as he felt a sensation running through him. For a time he had been somewhat lost, driven by something he couldn't explain, an 'out-of-body experience' of sorts. As the comfort began to settle back in again, he reached up and gently tucked his own sidearm away in his jacket, letting his fingers linger and brush over the cool metal for a moment before he closed his jacket again letting his hands shift down to his sides, tucking them idly into his pockets. Hearing the sounds of the approaching troops, the hairs on the back of Harry's neck stood on end for a moment, the sounds of the marching and the shouting of orders still all too familiar in his mind as he watched the Corporal and his troops move up, much to the Lord-Major's dismay, evidently. He couldn't help but smirk somewhat at the Lord-Major's embarrassment, the situation reminded him of some of the better parts of his service, of the joys and simple pleasures of military life, away from the harshness of battle, a reality he wasn't sure that the corporal of many of his troupe would have even seen. As he looked over them, the retired soldier could not even help himself as he slipped, just for a moment, back into his old stature. [b][color=686F91]"You have threads coming off your epaulettes, corporal."[/color][/b] He commented in an easily recognisable, firm, non-commissioned officer's tone. Harry had spent a great many months as a drill sergeant during and just after the war, it was something one did not kick even in civilian life, so long after the war. However, he caught himself before he went into too much more, not wishing to embarrass the corporal or any of the other troops in front of the Lord-Major or the Lord-Captain for that matter. Instead, he shifted his gaze back toward the stairs. [b][color=686F91]"If you'll pardon me, Lord-Major, sir, I should ensure my charge is still well in hand."[/color][/b] He commented politely, giving the man a nod, and forcing himself not to salute as he made his way to the stairs, beginning to head back up to Aziza's room.