[center][h3]Narrator[/h3][/center] Aislinn looked down as Charlotte scolded her about telling the truth ... she wasn't sure that her mate had wanted the black haired woman to know about anything between them ... but she still felt like as if she was wrong. And besides, how had she known the black haired woman would actually let her go? The native looked up as she was ready to give a small reply, but she flinched as a finger booped her nose. She began to start thinking about what to say to that last sentence until the woman moved to her side and grabbed her hair. It was bad enough to have oneself tied up, but to have your back exposed to them made it feel even worse. The prisoner looked to her right at Charlotte as she spoke. [color=pink]"Y-yes. I can crush my s-strands into a sort of ... paste. Certain designs do d-different things."[/color] In spite of her best effort she backed away from the other woman by a few feet until the rope tugged and her bonds tightened, showing she was at the end of her line. Gulping, she countinued the explanation. [color=pink]"Different ... patterns grant different boons. L-Like the one's on m-my legs are the glyphs for a r-rabbit and they allow me to jump h-higher."[/color] Aislinn kept telling herself she needed to stop panicking, but this entire experience was eerie. She lifted one of her legs slightly so the faint lines would appear in front of the other woman if she wanted to examine them, but she hoped Charlotte would leave her alone and Cait would be calm enough to have an actual conversation unlike last time.