Mako stopped walking. They had both made it to the correct field, and she could already see a few other students here early. She looked behind her to see if Clarabelle had kept up. From her understanding, the frail girl wasn't very used to exercise, so Mako had been trekking slow and leisurely, which suited her just fine. From the moment she first met the girl earlier that day, to pick her up and escort her to this meeting place, she was intrigued and interested by her. She'd seen a lot of unusual channellers n her few years teaching, and lots of recluses, but there was something particularly interesting about this doll-like, almost ghostly child, something she couldn't quite put her finger on, but she was going to have a lot of fun finding out. Mako gave Clarabelle another of her closed-eye cheery smiles. "You can rest easy, Clarabelle. We've made it. No more walking, you'll be glad to know. Are you okay? Out of breath? Nervous?" She asked in her saccharine-sweet high pitched voice.