[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/JNfpS2k.png[/img][/center] [@Jacobite] Romeo: Accepted. [@Malchivo] Patrick: Accepted. Please put a space between the paragraph before “COMBAT” for formatting’s sake. Thanks! [@Viciousmarrow] Wyn: Accepted. [@Starwinter] Abigail: Accepted. Please remove the words ‘age’, ‘nationality’, and ‘gender’ from that section. [@Fabricant451] Samaira: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IicUlCeB6zA&feature=youtu.be]Not accepted.[/url] [hider=get pranked]Accepted. Please remove the space in the line break for the Family and Relationships section.[/hider] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Lndtf5e.png[/img][/center] [@dabombjk] Kyle: Not accepted. Did you read the rules? Your character sheet is missing something. What is Kyle’s legal name? How does he only go by Conduit, has he legally changed it? Please proofread your character sheet, there are a few instances of spelling/grammatical errors and missing punctuation. You stated that his powers manifested when he was 14, which is too long ago for our timeline. All Enhanced have only had their powers for around 4 years, some have had them for even less time. Why did Kyle get removed from the home of the dojo owner as a child? Generally CPS does not get involved with a foster situation unless the family is reported by someone. Can we get more information on his energy shielding ability? How does energy become a physical shield, exactly, and what does that look like? What has Kyle’s brother done to be considered a criminal mastermind? [@GingerBoi123] Jason: Not accepted. Please fix the spacing in your CS, the [ hr] breaks should be directly under the subheadings, there should not be any space in between. We would also like to know where Jason got his super suit from (if you don’t have an idea, this could be designed by Austin). How could he have deflected a bullet in the bank robbery? This doesn’t make sense to us based on super speed alone. Also, did this bank robbery happen before or after The Coalition formed? Please give your character sheet a little more detail and apply again. [@QueenOfTheBee] Alec: Not accepted. Please proofread your character sheet, there are a few instances of spelling/grammatical errors and missing punctuation. What is Alec’s top speed? The width of an avenue isn’t that far of a jump, don’t be afraid to up Alec’s powers. The members of the Coalition are described as being like gods, it is expected for our characters to be a little OP. Who designed the chest rig in his super suit? How can someone be both ambitious and lazy? Those are opposing traits. Please expand upon them to be more situationally specific, or remove one of the two.