[@6slyboy6] Let me just stop you right there spud. The character you are describing would not be realistic for the world me and my fellow gms have made. Your character saying they want to be a mage would just be very out of place. Also, a mage is incredibly weak without their familiar, and vice versa. A mage is no more and no less powerful than a familiar. Honestly being a familiar offers a lot more opportunities in this rp too. Mages are restricted to one of 12 magics. Familiars? The sky's the limit and some familiars can even have powers that either mimic some magic types or are completely protected from them. We have a character that is fire proof, which means if she were to attack one of the fire mages in this, guess what, they might as well not be mages for all the good their magic will do them. Plus having a character who sees magic users as the better goes against some of the lore we have too. So do not make that character that way. She won't fit in with the world. Familiars are more than just batteries of magic to be drained. They not only have magic inside of them, they also have their own unique power that is not magic. Honestly, people are underestimating the familiars, and I think it's because we chose to call them familiars, but we've done our best to make it clear from the beginning that they are equal. So one last time for anyone at all that might be seeing this. [u][i][b] "MAGES AND FAMILIARS ARE EQUALS! THEY ARE YIN AND YANG! ONE IS NOT INHERENTLY BETTER THEN THE OTHER! THEY HAVE A SYMBIOTIC RELATIONSHIP THAT HELPS FAMILIARS AS MUCH AS MAGES!"[/b][/i][/u]