[center][i]The Kingdom of Noreik has seen better days. Fields and farms lay barren, all the young man are at war now. The enemy, the brutal invaders of Kazgrad stand at the gates, plundering, raping and pillaging. The army is losing ground, and the castles at the borders are slowly crumbling. The legendary knights and heroes of Noreik are no more than bloating corpses. Desperate times call for desperate measures. King Roland turned to those he shunned and persecuted. He turned to vile sorcerers and necromancers, enemies of the faith and cultists of evil. [b]"Bring me back the heroes of old! My army needs beacons of hope and justice in shining armor!"[/b] They did what he demanded, but he did not get what he wanted.[/i] [img]http://pre00.deviantart.net/b7e5/th/pre/f/2010/264/2/c/undead_knight_by_overdrivezero-d2z7lkf.jpg[/img][/center] In this Rp you play the legendary heroes of old. Brutally awakened from your eternal slumber you leave your graves only to find yourself a horrific monstrosity of bone and decaying flesh. You now are ordered to fight a war for a king who was born long after you have died, perhaps you are older than the kingdom itself and don't even recognize its faith and name. How will you react to your summoning? How will you fight? Anyone interested?