[@HereComesTheSnow] [b][h3]Charlotte Adams – The Unreachable Star[/h3][/b] “[color=32cd32]I-I don’t know Puck.[/color]” Charlotte stood outside of the café peering inwards. It reminded her of a Denny’s – only nicer. The girl was approximately five feet tall and looked like a child. She had a stutter that only helped with this inclination many people had of her. Typically, Charlotte didn't make time to go out to cafes that were this busy. However, she wanted today to be different. She wanted to make friends. She just wasn't alotted time for it. But with Puck and everything that was happening, maybe it was time for some change? “[color=4747d2]Pssh. Please, they’d be lucky to bask in your greatness, bruh.[/color]” Puck replied peeking out of Charlotte’s hair which was a common hiding place for her. “[color=32cd32]W-why would they w-want to speak to me. N-none of them even know me yet.[/color]” She asked her characteristic stutter hitting her hard. It came out much more when she was nervous, after all. “[color=32cd32]B-besides. What’s the p-point of hanging out with s-someone when t-they can’t even know about you.[/color]” “[color=4747d2]Oh Charlotte. Poor Naïve, socially inept Charlotte. They will feel my presence. If not through you, than through my plans for this puny world.[/color]” “[color=32cd32]W-what?[/color]” “[color=4747d2]Get in there already would ya.[/color]” Charlotte nodded, tying her hair back into ponytail while Puck nestled back in with the bow. The young American girl took a deep breath. Today she would not be a coward. Today, she would be someone. She walked into Saize and immediately strode up to the counter. “You look like the kind of girl who wants coffee, black I assume?” The server asked indignantly. Charlotte blinked. She hated black coffee. “[color=32cd32]S-sure.[/color]” She said, her shoulder slouching down. The server seemingly patted themselves on the back for getting her order ‘right’. Maybe tomorrow. As she grabbed the warm beverage she looked for somewhere to sit but the place was packed. Half the school must’ve been in here. She noticed one girl with her backpack in a booth alone. She was probably waiting for someone. She wouldn’t want company, let alone someone to bug her. “[color=32cd32]U-um… W-would y-you mind if I-I sit down?[/color]” Charlotte asked the young girl.