Having left the city, the group uneventfully traversed the grasslands to reach the man standing at the edge of the beach. He frowned as Mable introduced herself and immediately questioned him. He simply said [color=6ecff6]"A'ight."[/color] and shrugged off the question. He gestured to follow and stepped several feet onto the beach. [color=6ecff6]"From the looks of it, Marcy didn't do anything weird. That's good because that means I can do what I brought you here for, and then leave. Pay attention now."[/color] The man took a moment to make sure the trio was looking at him before drawing a poké ball from his pocket and picking up a pebble from the ground. He looked around for a moment, before tossing the pebble at something. That something was in fact a pokémon and it scurried over angrily. The man carelessly sent out his pokémon as some form of mismatched battle began. [hr] The pokémon that had scurried over was an Anorith. Odd as this was, the man didn't seem very impressed, and his Scizor didn't seem to care too much either. The man's voice resounded loudly across the beach, sounding a lot less disinterested than before. [color=6ecff6]"Scizor, [b]False Swipe[/b]!"[/color] The Scizor swiftly moved forward and struck the anorith. The anorith seemed to be hurt and slightly intimidated, but tried retaliating with [b]Scratch[/b]. Anorith's attack didn't even faze Scizor however. The man turned to the group and said [color=6ecff6]"This is the point where you should throw a poké ball."[/color] and just as he said it, he did it. He simply flicked the poké ball towards the Anorith, who had little opportunity to dodge and fot caught in it. The ball shook once, twice, a third time, and with a familiar click, the pokémon was caught. The man picked up the poké ball, put it in the only remaining empty spot on his belt and said [color=6ecff6]"You probably knew how to catch pokémon already, but it can't hurt to get a reminder. In any case, you'll want to bring a pokémon's HP down as far as you can before throwing the poké ball, this increases the chance the pokémon will be captured. Once they faint, you're out of luck, though."[/color] He reached into his bag and received three identical grey discs; TMs. [color=6ecff6]"You should take this. It's the move Scizor just used. It's not very strong, but it won't ever knock out a pokémon. This makes it perfect for new trainers to help them catch pokémon."[/color] He handed everyone a copy of [b]False Swipe[/b] and walked off. Without looking back, he waved and said [color=6ecff6]"Hang in there, kids. You might make it big someday if you do."[/color] With this final message he left, soon disappearing out of sight. Hiro closed his notebook (it seems he'd been taking notes during all this) and put the TM in his bag. He turned towards the girls and smiled. [color=8dc73f]"Alright, that wasn't so bad. Let's go catch ourselves some pokémon, shall we? I do believe a saw a Buizel when we got past here this morning, and I've been itching to catch it since!"[/color] [hr] Like a child, Hiro darted off towards the waterside, letting Petilil out of her poké ball in case a wild pokémon attacked. Kind of lost about how he should get the Buizel's attention, Hiro scolded himself. With no better option in mind, hiro simply took off his boots, rolled up his pants and walked into the sea until most of his lower legs were submerged. He tossed a few pebbles he'd picked up earlier at some places, looking for a response. Eventually he saw something move underwater and tossed a pebble at it. The creature nimbly dodged the projectile and maneuvered towards Hiro. Seemingly he'd get his battle after all! Hiro sent forth his Petilil and commanded [color=8dc73f]"Petilil, use [b]Absorb[/b]!"[/color] The other pokémon was faster however, and used [b]Sonicboom[/b]! A small shockwave hit Petilil, and she seemed hurt, as if she were holding on by the skin of her (metaphorical) teeth. To launch this attack, the pokémon had launched from the water, where it was revealed to be the Buizel Hiro was looking for, score! Petilil's pain was swiftly eased after she hit [b]Absorb[/b], but clearly she couldn't take another hit like that. Praying to whatever gods there were, Hiro threw his poké ball. It hit the Buizel and floated atop the water. It turned around a few times before a wave struck it towards Hiro and it resounded with a reassuring click. Buizel had been caught! With his new partner, Hiro returned to the beach (and his boots), deciding to check how his companions were doing.