[color=ed1c24]"An' what exactly did'ja bring us here for?"[/color] Marlene questioned, though, instead of getting an answer, she got a lesson; A lesson on how to catch Pokemon! It wasn't anything that wasn't obvious, truly, but Marlene had never done it herself before; So witnessing it live was good for her. She watched as the man's awesome Pokemon fiddled around with the wild Pokemon, fascinated that such a big, awesome Pokemon existed... What'd he call it? She'd gotten so caught up in the moment, she already forgot. Oh well, she'd find one someday! So. Cool. As the man caught the Pokemon, Marlene listened to him intently. Accepting the odd disc given to her. TM's; Technical Machines. She'd heard of them before; A lot of them were apparently made in her region in some labs, or something. In a manor...? The words were fuzzy, she was too distracted to think hard. Instead she just nodded in appreciation. [color=ed1c24]"Well thank ya! Ya'll take care of yerself!"[/color] She shouted to the man, before slipping the TM into her bag. Maybe she'd use it at some point...? Could Mudbray even learn it? She figured it wasn't possible to know unless she tried... But, she could do that later. For now, a search! The girl was intent on catching something. What, exactly, she wasn't sure. But coming up empty handed was not an option! [color=ed1c24]"Yeehaw! Let's mosey!"[/color] She cheered, beginning to make her way out towards the water, curious as to what she could find. Before she went too far, she caught Hero's comment about some Pokemon he saw. She didn't even know what that was, but it sounded cool! [color=ed1c24]"Ah'm headin' further down! Catch ya'll in a bit!"[/color] [hr] Splitting off from the group, Marlene found herself following the water for a bit; Not going in due to not spotting anything interesting. She wanted something tough, big, good in a fight! But... There seemed to be nothing but little fish around. Disappointing. She continued her search for awhile, walking on, and on... Eventually she got bored. Approaching some rocks by the shore, Marlene sighed, plopping down next to them, leaning back against the rocks as she considered just stopping. It'd felt like forever already, and no cool Pokemon showed up! Ugh, forget it, she needed a break. Opening her bag momentarily, she reached in and pulled out some of the bread she'd brought along to sate her hunger. She sat it on the rock, for a moment, while she dug for a bottle of water. Pulling out the water, she grinned. [color=ed1c24]"Guess ah'll munch for a min--"[/color] Hand reaching the rock, she reached around for a moment before turning her head, realizing it was gone. [color=ed1c24]"Tarnation! Where'd mah food go?!"[/color] She questioned, upset, until she noticed something scurrying towards the sea awkwardly; Some odd spider-like Pokemon that was green and black; It seemed to have a water bubble around it's head, as it waddled away. [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKd5BREvi3I[/youtube] [color=ed1c24]"[b]GET BACK HERE, YOU VARMIT!!![/b]"[/color][/center] Snapping her Pokeball off her belt, she held it out, shouting. [color=ed1c24]"Let's gettum, Bri!"[/color] In a bright white flash, her Mudbray appeared, momentarily studying the situation before noticing the pokemon beginning to scurry away. It didn't move, until Marlene shouted again, anyways. [color=ed1c24]"It's gettin' away! Go after it!"[/color] a slow trot quickly turned into a gallop as the mule charged forward, going after the Pokemon. It glanced back, before sweating in a panic, attempting to run away faster; It's four legs scurrying as fast as they could. Though, it wasn't fast enough, as the hulking little mule rammed into it, causing it to stumble over, into the sand. [color=ed1c24]"Use yer' hooves and trample 'em, but don't knock it out, Bri!"[/color] Raising it's forehooves, Mudbray attempted to bring it's weight down onto the Pokemon, but it managed to pull it'self up onto it's legs and turn to face him, eyes squinting in annoyance. Face puffing up, it was quick to fire out a bunch of bubbles; Which popped in Mudbray's face, causing it to stagger back. [color=ed1c24]"Crap! Water moves!"[/color] Marlene gasped, before quickly taking action. Reaching into her pack, she pulled out an odd blue berry; From her time on the farm, she learned what many berries did; And this one apparently made the one who ate it more resistant to a water move when it hit! She threw it, getting Bri's attention. [color=ed1c24]"Eat that, boy!"[/color] Neck twisting somewhat, the Mudbray caught the berry in it's mouth; Munching it down. Just in time, too; The enemy was preparing to fire more bubbles, and they needed to act on that! [color=ed1c24]"Alright, Bri! Give 'em yer' magnitude attack!"[/color] As she commanded, Mudbray lifted it's forehooves even higher than before; Slamming them down and causing the ground to shake. It was strong, too! Marlene almost toppled over, and the enemy actually did fall; The bubbles spurting out into the air, making a pretty sight in the sunlight. This time it was struggling to get up; A panicked look on it's face as it struggled, attempting to roll, only to stuff it's face in the sand, which soon became wet and sinky due to it spurting out water in it's panic. [color=ed1c24]"Yeah Mudbray, yeah! Now it's mah turn!"[/color] She spoke enthusiastically, pulling out a Pokeball; She chucked it, and within a moment it smacked into the opposing Pokemon; Absorbing it into the ball via some odd red light, before falling to the ground, shaking frantically. Marlene stared, silently hoping she managed her first capture... The sound the Pokeballs made during these struggles made her paranoid... [i][color=ed1c24]Get in there...[/color][/i] She thought to herself, eyes focused on the ball.