[quote=@Scarifar] Hmmmm, I'm thinking I should make a small change in my custom field spell Temple of Silence. Here's the first version: [hider=My Hider] Spell type: Field Effect: Activate only if you control a face-up "Silent Magician" or "Silent Swordsman" monster. Once per turn, you can negate the effects of all face-up monsters on the field until your next Standby Phase. This card's activation and effect cannot be negated. At the End Phase, if you do not control a face-up "Silent Magician" or "Silent Swordsman" monster, destroy this card. [/hider] And here is the edited version: [hider=My Hider] Name: Temple of Silence Spell type: Field Effect: Activate only if you control a face-up "Silent Magician" or "Silent Swordsman" monster. Once per turn, you can negate the effects of all face-up monsters your opponent controls until the End Phase. This card's activation and effect cannot be negated. At the End Phase, if you do not control a face-up "Silent Magician" or "Silent Swordsman" monster, destroy this card. [/hider] What do you guys think? [/quote] Personally, I'd go with the second version. The added restrictions/limitations/whatever make it a bit less abusable, and the negation of only opponent monster effects balances it out nicely. [quote=@Archmage MC] Just need a picture. Might touch up on a few things later, especially the Extra deck, depending on what the GM says about everything. Also I seem to be very unoriginal with names xD. [hider=Light the Toon Girl] [center][img]Appearance[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Light "Insert whatever last name I feel like using here, usually Smith or Jane or Doe." [b]Handle:[/b] Toon Girl / "That Crazy Toon lady" [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Personality:[/b] Light is Fun-loving, very open-minded, honest, nonchalant, peace-loving, mischievous, and sometimes overly analytical or logical due to toon thinking making her extremely Genre Savvy. She tends to always have a smile on her face and rarely ever gets mad. She also loves to make friends, and can be very gullible because of this. Shes very quick to give out her trust, but its extremely hard to earn it back if you lose it. She isn't brainless though, and can quickly pick out someone who is evil. Just don't purposely try to make her mad. While it might sound fun since its so hard to make her mad, being around Toons teaches someone a lot about violence and what to use for it and how. [b]Bio:[/b] Things tend to change when you find a deck full of Toons after some strange shady people drop them after crying some non sensible words before running off to who knows where. Light really didn't understand what the hubub was all about, she loved her new toon companions. It reminded her of all those shows she saw on TV. Sure most of the time they picked on each other, but hey, at least she wasn't alone when wandering the streets anymore. Living with these toons for over 10 years though does warp your perception of the world. Its sorta hard to stay sane when you have all these different Toons hitting or shooting each other with various weapons for fun while making humerus observations about the world, Inkmaster being the best at this. Of course out of all the Toons, he looked the most 'normal', if you can call it that. Its really weird that he tends to know what people are thinking, and for some weird reason he looks awfully familiar... [b]Deck:[/b] [hider=Toons] [u]Monsters[/u] 3x Toon Dark Magician 2x Red-Eyes Toon Dragon 2x Toon Gemini Elf 2x Toon Masked Sorcerer 1x Toon Cyber Dragon 3x Black Stone of Legend [u]Spells[/u] 3x Toon Kingdom 3x Toon Table of Contents 3x Allure of Darkness 2x Terraforming 2x Comic Hand 2x Mystical Space Typhoon 1x Mimicat 1x One for One [u]Traps[/u] 3x Floodgate Trap Hole 2x Toon Briefcase 2x Quaking Mirror Force 2x Toon Mask 1x [hider=*Toon Misdirection] Counter Trap You can only activate this card if you control a face up Toon monster. If an opponent's effect that doesn't target affects a Toon monster(s), you can apply that effect to an opponent's monster(s) instead. [/hider] [u]Extra Deck[/u] 1x Number 11: Big Eye (unless there is a rule with number cards like the anime, in which case I can drop this.) [/hider] [b]Guardian Monster:[/b] [hider=Toon Inkmaster] [center] [b]Summoning Condition[/b] To Guardian Summon this monster, you must have less than 2000 lifepoints, and a faceup Toon World. From your Hand, Field, or Graveyard, Banish 5 Toon Cards with different names. This summon can't be negated. [img]http://www.yugiohcardmaker.net/ycmaker/createcard.php?name=Toon+Inkmaster&cardtype=Monster&subtype=toon&attribute=Dark&level=12&rarity=Common&picture=tempimages%2F011731514.png&circulation=&set1=&set2=&type=Guardian+%2F+Spellcaster&carddescription=When+Successfully+Guardian+Summoned%2C+shuffle+all+Facedown+banished+cards+back+into+your+deck.+Then%2C+add+one+Toon+Table+of+Contents+from+your+deck+or+graveyard+to+your+hand.%0D%0AThis+card+can%27t+attack+the+turn+it+is+summoned.+If+you+control+a+Toon+World+and+your+opponent+controls+no+Toon+Monsters%2C+this+card+can+attack+your+opponent+directly.+%0D%0AOnce+per+turn%2C+If+a+Toon+World+on+your+side+of+the+field+would+be+destroyed+by+an+opponent%27s+card+effect%2C+negate+that+card+and+return+it+to+the+deck.%0D%0AThis+card+can%27t+be+tributed.&atk=3200&def=2300&creator=&year=2017&serial=[/img] [/center] [/hider] [b]Theme Song(Optional):[/b] [youtube]v=v-gg7B0Nu_A[/youtube] [/center] [/hider] [/quote] I'll be glad to help you decide on a surname and appearance through PMs. Number monsters are perfectly fine; in this RP, they're simply treated as ordinary monsters. They still get their "archetype" support though, don't worry. Accepted; I'll add your character to the list once we decide on a surname and appearance, however.