[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/RoXlKaI.jpg[/img][/center] [center]Interacting with:[/center] [center][img] http://i.imgur.com/vGuXstI.jpg[/img] [h1][color=olive]Wyatt Holden[/color][/h1][/center] [hr][hr] Kieran could barely give Twycross’s plan a nod before his partner loudly proclaimed that they would handle the diner. And just like that, he let out a small huff of surprise as he found himself being all too literally dragged along by his partner, his face one of consternation at DeVito’s cheery antics. Despite the years they had been partners, the physical contact was still a bit much for the werewolf, so he was quite appreciative once she let go of his hand. From what he could see, the town of Blue was one of the dullest he had ever seen, as the two Regulators passed very little of note on their way to the diner. Perhaps it was because the place was so humdrum and disconnected from the rest of the world that it had caught the attention of a serial killer with a penchant for eyes and candy. The thought didn’t sit well with him, as that hardly seemed fair. [I][color=slategray]’Not that this world is all that familiar with the concept of fairness to begin with,’[/color][/i] he bitterly mused as they passed another quiet street. [color=maroon]"So, we'll go in, order some milkshakes, and ask the waitress to give us some information about the murders. I'll do all the talking, don't worry, you just sit there next to me pretending to be concerned about the news while at the same time looking at me ever so lovingly..."[/color] While the plan made perfect sense to Kieran, DeVito’s teasing at the end earned her one of Kieran’s trademark looks of exasperation, which involved his head being cocked slightly to the side and his ever present frown deepening even more, as he was not all that keen on repeating the travesty that was his attempt at smiling from a few minutes ago. The look softened though as she explained herself, reminding him once more that there was a stark difference between caring about someone professionally and personally. One that he was likely awful at faking. The topic of whether he cared about DeVito beyond her skills as a Regulator was a murky one, as he had never really given it much thought. [color=slategray]”You got it,”[/color] he replied simply rather than wasting time delving into the matter. It wasn’t all that long before they got to the all too unremarkable diner. It was the kind that you could step into and declare indistinguishable from the thousands that littered the small town landscape across the country, complete with worn down stools missing most of their stuffing and a Route 66 sign plastered on the wall. Life as a member of ORO had caused Kieran to step into many identical establishments, and he imagined he would step into many more over the course of his career. Well, given that he survived that long of course. The pair earned some cursory glances from the few customers already seated as they made their way to a booth in the back, while Kieran measured them up himself with his own critical eye. None of the locals looked all that suspicious, much less magically gifted, so he took his seat across from DeVito quietly. The werewolf was even sporting a grin, which had the smallest bit of warmth to it, in an attempt to look a bit happy. The attempt was short lived though, as the entrance of one Wyatt Holden caught him a bit off guard. Kieran couldn’t help but raise his eyebrow, as he didn’t care for people he didn’t know getting the drop on him, not to mention he wasn’t sure he wanted to know what Wyatt meant by “tasty.” But the name he provided certainly caught his interest, although that sadly gave way to more exasperation as DeVito joined in on Wyatt’s teasing. But before he could try end the foolishness and get down to business, their waitress showed up looking for their orders. [color=slategray]"My friend and I will have the same,”[/color] he ordered as he gestured at Wyatt, tacking the small grin back onto his face. Truthfully, he was growing somewhat impatient and simply wanted to get on with the case, but he was more than capable of stomaching a handful of small grievances. As the waitress turned around to put in their order, the small grin quickly deflated as he turned his attention back to Wyatt. [color=slategray]”And what exactly has Miss Crane gotten herself into to catch your attention?”[/color] [hr] [@Heretic][@BrutalBx]