Cassandra gasped as the wolf turned its gaze on her, but was relieved when it bounded off instead of attacking her. Scowling, she quickly knocked and released a second arrow, but the quickness made her miss again. "Dammit," she said. In a snap decision, she went after the wolf--it wasn't as aggressive as she had thought nor did it deserve to bleed out in pain somewhere. She ducked as she ran, retrieving the fallen arrow. She suddenly doubted that this was the same monster that attacked the other hunters, but she kept that in the back of her mind as she focused on following the beast and not tripping over logs or into low hanging branches. She knew the forest well, but she was not used to running after a target for so long. She slowed to a stop, leaning over to rest her hands on her knees. The wolf wasn't terrible fast being wounded, but four legs still moved faster than two. As she stood, she peered out at another clearing. Brows furrowed, she noticed two people. Briefly, she recalled passing a stranger in town, one who didn't look unlike the woman. The other was a man, dressed brightly but still distinctly foreign. With no sign of the wolf from where she stood, but the brazen display by the woman was a little scary. For good measure, she gripped the arrow in her fist before hesitantly stepping out into the clearing. Neither had a bow ready otherwise she would've stayed hidden. "H-hello," she greeted, eyes flickering back to the brush as she momentarily searched for the creature.