Caleb was enjoying the closeness between him and Ambrose. He was enjoying the dancing, the feeling excitement, the thrill of not knowing what would happen next. It all appealed to him and it drove him to keep dancing and having fun. He was smiling as Ambrose threaded a hand through his hair causing him to tilt his head back revealing his prominent Adam's apple. He could feel Ambrose's breath on his skin and pleasure waves shot through his nerves causing him to smirk as he watched Ambrose with new eyes. He was more than what Caleb initially thought. Give the guy a few drinks and he was the life of the party. Still, Caleb wanted to know more about Ambrose, what made him tick, what his favorite food was, what his favorite music was. He wanted to know more about him and yet he was nervous to ask. Imagine him, the sex symbol of BlackBrick too nervous to ask a guy out and get to know him. In this moment, his will to push dating away was out of the window. As the dancing continued, he kept up with Ambrose, allowing their bodies to touch and move to the rhythm. Suddenly, Ambrose stopped dancing and Caleb looked up to see a taller male wanting to dance with him. While flattered, Caleb really didn't want to just abandon Ambrose to dance with a random stranger. He sighed and smiled at the guy. "Thanks for the offer," he said as he moved closer to Ambrose. He reached out, grabbing Ambrose by the waist and pulling him in close. "...but I'm with him," Caleb added with a smirk as he grabbed Ambrose's hand hopefully tugging him along with him to a private area so they could talk. When he reached a pretty isolated area, only a few people standing around, he sat down and exhaled feeling the alcohol hit him once more. "That was amazing," he said to Ambrose with a smile, "why didn't you let me know you were such a great dancer?" He slowly pulled the shirt out of his back pocket and threw it onto his shoulder for the time being. [@Catmint]